
  • 网络climate politics
  1. 不过,在全球气候政治领域,这相当于进步。

    Yet , in the world of global climate politics , that counts as progress .

  2. 过去两年,中美之间的密集接触帮助打破了全球气候政治中的僵局,第一次出现基本上每个国家都愿意参与和帮助限制排放增长的局面。

    Intensive engagement between China and the United States over the past two years helped break the logjam in global climate politics , and for the first time , virtually every country is now offering to pitch in to help limit emissions growth .

  3. 欧盟极力主导气候政治在理念上是对欧洲普世主义传统理念的继承和发展。

    The idea of EU strongly dominated the political climate is the heritage and development of the traditional universalism .

  4. 在这样的背景下,我国应对全球气候政治博弈的战略选择可以从如下思路着手:一是掌握主动,坚持低碳发展;

    Under such circumstances , China should respond with the following strategic choices : 1.taking the initiative in our own hands and sticking to low-carbon emission development ;

  5. 这将是全球气候政治历史上最大的降幅,标志着20年来令人失望的谈判可能会被另一个时代替代——各国开始在预期的全球气温变化上造成可见的影响。

    That would be the biggest reduction in the history of global climate politics , and a sign that 20 years of disappointing negotiations may be giving way to an era when countries start to move the needle on the projected global temperature .

  6. 波兹南会议之后的气候变化政治格局

    Political Structure of Climate Change After Poznan Conference

  7. 美国南部和西南部的州,有温暖的气候,政治上趋于保守。

    States in the S and southwestern that have a warm climate and tend to be politically conservative .

  8. 这些因素包括健康、自由、失业、家庭生活、气候、政治稳定性和安全性、男女平等、以及家庭和社区生活。

    They included health , freedom , unemployment , family life , climate , political stability and security , gender equality and family and community life .

  9. 源标题所承载的历史、地理、气候、政治、经济和道德风俗的不同是误译的主要原因。

    Because of the great differences in the history , geography and climate , political and economic values , customs and ethics , translators cannot fully understand the cultural , emotional connotation loaded by the original title , which is the main cause for mistranslation .

  10. 学生和发言者讨论了艾滋病,世界宗教,核武器,移民,气候变化和政治这样的问题。

    Students and speakers discuss subjects like AIDS , world religions , nuclear weapons , immigration , climate change and politics .

  11. 在本周举行的世界经济论坛上,世界各国领导人、商界精英和活动家们将就从气候变化到政治动荡等一系列议题展开讨论。

    World leaders , top business people and campaigners will be debating issues from climate change to political instability at the World Economic Forum this week .

  12. 这个新的全球植物库系统的目标是保护储藏起来的珍贵植物基因免遭气候变化、政治动荡和人为过错的损害。

    The goal of the new global plant banking system is to protect the precious stored plant genes from the vagaries of climate , politics and human error .

  13. 同样显而易见的是,气候变化的政治意义首先会在地方的层面上被感觉到,因此也必须在这个层面上得到人们的充分理解。

    Furthermore , it is evident that the security implications of climate change are first felt at the local level , and this is where they need to be understood .

  14. 其次,通过相关分析发现,组织信任与组织公平、组织气候、组织政治知觉、组织变革、变革型领导等组织管理方面因素都存在非常显著的相关。

    It was found that there was very significant correlation between organizational trust and many organization management factors , such as organizational justice , organizational climate , perceptions of organizational politics , organizational transformation , and transformational leadership .

  15. 我们分析国际经济、国际商业动态、地缘政治环境以及华盛顿的气候,包括政治气候,史蒂文斯表示,因此,我们的全球展望尽可能综合考虑了所有敏感因素。

    We examine international economics , international business dynamics , geopolitical circumstances and the climate in Washington , including the political climate , says Mr Stevens . So we try to assemble that global view with as much sensitivity as we can .

  16. APEC气候变化合作的政治经济分析

    A Political and Economic Analysis on Climate Change Cooperation of APEC

  17. 他们表示,欧元区共同债券(eurobond)和联合存款保险计划在当前气候下不具备政治可行性,然后他们努力寻找一些让人难以信服的次优方案。

    They say that eurobonds and joint deposit insurance are politically impractical in the current climate , and are instead searching for implausible second-best solutions .

  18. 而应对气候变化努力背后政治推动力的减弱,也是一个负面因素。

    Reduced political momentum behind efforts to tackle climate change has been another negative factor .

  19. 气候变化滑下政治议程的速度,就像紧缩政策上升的速度一样快。

    Climate change is falling down the political agenda as fast as austerity is moving up .

  20. 由于气候变化已脱离政治议程,因此不履行减排承诺的可能性很高。

    With climate change off the political agenda the risk of slippage on pledges to reduce emissions is high .

  21. 气候变化问题的政治活动人士上周五不失时机地引用2014年的温度记录为证,表明采取强有力行动的必要性。

    Political activists on climate change wasted no time Friday in citing the 2014 heat record as proof that strong action was needed .

  22. 然而,从气候变化到中东政治,一切都指向了需要大力投资于新能源。

    But everything from climate change to the politics of the Middle East now points to the need to invest heavily in new sources of energy .

  23. 媒体倾向于优先报道洪灾或其他自然灾害导致的死亡,以及气候变化相关的政治丑闻。

    Articles about deaths caused by floods or other natural disasters , and political scandals related to climate change tend to get precedence , he said .

  24. 然而随着气候变化逐渐失去政治号召力、政府预算缩水,给予绿色产业的补贴将会成为最先削减的开支。

    But with climate change losing its political appeal and government budgets shrinking , green subsidies are at the front of the queue to be eliminated .

  25. 气候问题是地缘政治问题,正得到各国的重视,气候谈判也取得了一定的成绩,但很难达成进一步妥协。

    Climate change is geopolitical problem which has been gaining attention of many countries . Climate negotiations have made some achievements , but it is quite difficult to achieve further compromise .