
  • 网络JMA;Meteorological Agency;Japan Meteorological Agency;meteorological department
  1. 该卫星影像是由日本气象厅提供的。

    The satellite imagery is provided by JMA .

  2. 最近,日本气象厅以较高的精度对在日本及其附近发生的地震进行了重新定位。

    Later JMA relocated with a high accuracy earthquake events in and near Japan .

  3. 日本气象厅(TheJapanMeteorologicalAgency)称,台风可能于周二抵达东京地区,在日本列岛上向北移动时,风力会逐渐减弱。

    The Japan Meteorological Agency said the typhoon could reach the Tokyo area Tuesday , gradually losing strength as it moves up the archipelago .

  4. 日本气象厅(JapanMeteorologicalAgency)表示,未来三周之内,发生七级以上地震的可能性仍然高达70%。

    Japan 's Meteorological Agency says there is a 70 percent chance of a magnitude 7 or stronger earthquake striking in the next three days .

  5. 法国已建议本国国民离开东京。目前外界对福岛核电站的问题越来越感到震惊,而气象厅警告称,关东地区(Kantoregion)可能发生一次较强的余震。

    France advised its nationals to leave Tokyo amid growing alarm about problems at the nuclear power plant and a warning from meteorological agency about a possible large aftershock in the Kanto region .

  6. 韩国现在已酷暑难当,但初夏的梅雨却没有如约而至。据韩国气象厅(KoreaMetrologicalAdministration)说,韩国今年5月初以来的降雨量创下1908年以来的同期最低水平。

    Sizzling hot summer weather has arrived in South Korea , but the early summer rains have yet to come . According to the Korea Metrological Administration , rainfall since the beginning of May has been the lowest since 1908 .

  7. 利用TOPEX卫星高度计和日本气象厅浮标观测资料,对东中国海的有效波高和风速进行比较,分析了卫星高度计资料的有效性。

    The data of the significant wave height ( SWH ) and the wind speed from TOPEX satellite altimeters are compared with the data from the buoy and the validity of data from TOPEX is analyzed .

  8. 本文利用日本气象厅研究所在筑波市213m气象塔1983年观测的湍流资料验证了大气边界层的局地相似性,求出了相似性函数的经验常数。

    In this paper , local similarity is verified by the turbulence observations on the 213 m meteorological tower at the Meteorological Research Institute in Tsukuba Science City , Japan . Some empirical constants of the similarity functions are determined .

  9. 日本气象厅公布去年预报评价报告

    Japanese Meteorological Department Publishes Last Year 's Forecast Review Report

  10. 日本气象厅提醒以上区域须加强警戒。

    Japan Meteorological Agency reminded to step up vigilance over the region .

  11. 访问期间,代表团参观访问了日本国土厅、气象厅、东京大学地震研究所、东京都及静冈县等,并在静冈县观看了1992年9月1日日本举行的大震演习。

    , and viewed the large earthquake exercise held on September 1,1992 in Shizuoka .

  12. 仅仅3分钟后,日本气象厅就发布了首次海啸预警。

    Japan 's Meteorological Agency released its first tsunami warnings just three minutes later .

  13. 气象厅官员隆志横田提醒人们注意星期四地震后可能会发生的余震。

    Meteorological Agency official Takashi Yokota warned of possible aftershocks from Thursday 's quake .

  14. 气象厅预计,本周末韩国会有降雨,但雨量不足以充分缓解旱情。

    It forecasts rain this weekend , but not enough to fully soak parched lands .

  15. 截至上周日,日本气象厅监测到自此次地震以来的400多次余震。

    By Sunday , it had detected more than 400 tremors since the event began .

  16. 日本气象厅同时还向日本列岛太平洋沿岸的多个城市发布了“海啸提示”。

    The agency also issued tsunami advisory to many cities along the Pacific coasts in Japan .

  17. 日本气象厅一直在监控地震活动以及日本的活火山状况。

    The Japan Meteorological Agency ( JMA ) monitors seismic activity and active volcanoes in Japan .

  18. 日本气象厅最初曾发布海啸警报,不过在第一次地震发生大约一个小时后取消了海啸警报。

    The meteorological agency initially issued a tsunami warning , but it was canceled about an hour after the first tremor .

  19. 这一应用程序基于日本气象厅和铁路公司研发的技术,于2010年11月发布。

    The app , based on technology originally developed by Japan 's Meteorological Agency and railway firms , was released in November 2010 .

  20. 震动持续向日本东北部传播,影响三个不同的活动断层区域——日本气象厅称这种模式“史无前例”。

    Tremors kept spreading to the north-east , striking in three different zones of active faults - a pattern the JMA said was " unprecedented . "

  21. 气象厅的海洋气候专家高月正明(音译)说,温暖的海水预计将冲击渔业和生态系统,包括珊瑚群。

    The warmer ocean was expected to impact fish resources and the ecosystem including colonies of corals , said Yasushi takatsuki , a marine meteorology specialist at the agency .

  22. 日本气象厅的初步数据也显示2015年刷新了最热记录,英国的监测项目预计将在未来几周内发布类似结果。

    Preliminary data from the Japan Meteorological Agency also show record warmth for 2015 , and a British monitoring program is expected to report a similar result in coming weeks .

  23. 随着“塔拉斯”的移动,预计会在日本北部造成强降雨,尽管如此,日本气象厅仍警告西部居民保持警觉注意滑坡现象。

    As Talas moves on , heavy rain is expected in the north of the country , though JMA warned residents of the west to remain on alert for landslides .

  24. 2010年12月22日日本气象厅宣布,22号凌晨位于太平洋的日本小笠原群岛附近海域发生里氏7.4级地震,目前已发布了海啸警报。

    2010-12-22 An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of7.4 jolted Ogasawara Islands in the Pacific early Wednesday , said the Japan Meteorological Agency ( JMA ), which issued a tsunami warning .

  25. 日本气象厅火山研究所的一位科学家说,富士山顶的雪变少和火山运动之间是没有什麽联系的。

    " There is no link whatsoever between the scarcity of snow on Mount Fuji and volcanic activities there ," said a scientist at the volcano section of Japan 's Meteorological Agency .

  26. 天文台每小时接收由日本气象厅的地球同步气象卫星拍摄的卫星云图。这些图像可以显示逼近华南沿岸的热带气旋、强烈风暴和锋面系统。

    Hourly cloud pictures received from the geostationary meteorological satellite of the Japan Meteorological Agency give general indications of tropical cyclones , severe storms and frontal systems approaching the South China coast .

  27. 利用美国海洋大气局太平洋海洋环境实验室在热带太平洋的浮标数据和日本气象厅在西北太平洋的浮标数据对1991年至1992年间ESR1/ATSR数据反演的海表温度进行了印证。

    ATSR SST during the period of 1991 to 1992 was compared with simultaneous in situ SST measured by NOAA 's Tropical Atmospheric Ocean ( TAO ) Array of moored ocean buoys in the tropical Pacific and JMA 's ocean data buoys in the northwest Pacific .