
  • climate zonation
  1. 凋落物分解速率呈明显的气候地带性,与温度、湿度等紧密相关。

    Litter decomposition rates are controlled by climate , litter chemistry , and by soil organisms . Climate has a direct effect on litter decomposition due to the effects of temperature and moisture .

  2. 山地雨林是热带北缘季风气候的地带性森林类型。

    Montane rain forest is a zonal forest type in the northern tropical monsoon climate .

  3. 根据这些指标结合气候的水平地带性和垂直地带性分异规律进行区划,把本市气候共划分为五个气候带和十一个气候区。

    According to these principles and methods the climate divisions in the prefecture are divided into five belt (?) and eleven districts .

  4. 世界气候的纬向地带性

    The Global Distribution of Climate Belts

  5. 全球气候的纬向地带性是全球自然地理环境结构的纬向地带性的主导因素。

    The global distribution of climate belts is the dominant factor of the global natural geography environmental structure .

  6. 而不是外部形态上的带状.无论低纬地区、中纬地区和高纬地区,气候的纬向地带性都是很显著的。

    Whether in the low latitude arear , in the middle latitude area or in the high latitude area , the distribution of climate belts is very clearly .

  7. 气候的纬向地带性是地球表面最基本的分异规律,温度的差异是纬向地带性的重要的标志。

    The latitudinal direction zonality of climate is the most essential variety law of the earth surface , and the difference of temperature is the important sign of the latitudinal direction zonality .