
mín tuán
  • militia;posse;civil corps
民团 [mín tuán]
  • [militia;civil corps;posse] 旧社会地主豪绅组织的反动地方武装

民团[mín tuán]
  1. 一个由地方警察和民团守卫的大楼。

    A building guarded by the local police and militia .

  2. 数万名穆斯林兄弟会支持者于武装民团发生冲突。

    Tens of thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters clashed with armed vigilantes .

  3. 其它地方的居民据报自发组成民团,以保护自己的财产。

    Residents in other areas were reported to be forming vigilante groups to protect their property .

  4. 思嘉踮起脚尖从一群人头上望去,只见民团队长正登上乐队演奏台。

    Scarlett tiptoed above the crowd and saw the captain of the militia mounting the orchestra platform .

  5. 未来可能出现紧张局势,他们将使用这些民团组织来对抗民族武装组织。

    They will use these militia groups to confront the ethnic armed groups if there is tension in the future .

  6. 当地民团由大其力地区的村庄中的拉祜族,阿卡族和掸族组成。

    Many of these militia groups are made up of ethnic Lahu , Akha and Shan from villages in Tachilek District .

  7. 民团、学校与公所&1930年代广西乡村基层政权之建构

    Militia , School and Local Government & The Regime at the Basic Level Established in the Country of Guangxi in 1930 's

  8. 军区司令觉彪少将和国防部民团及边境武装总监貌貌翁少将发表演说。

    Commander Maj-Gen Kyaw Phyo and Director of People 's Militia and Frontier Forces Maj-Gen Maung Maung Ohn of the Ministry of Defence delivered addresses .

  9. 民团离开麦里屯的前一天,他跟别的一些军官们都到浪搏恩来吃饭;

    On the very last day of the regiment ' ; s remaining in Meryton , he dined with others of the officers at Longbourn ;

  10. 如果佤联军和克伦军继续拒绝改编为边境民团,缅军将展开全面战略攻势。

    The Burmese government will launch attacks on two ethnic armies in Burma 's volatile border regions if they continue to refuse to transform into border militias .

  11. 据当地村民称,马克钱武装民团的成员大部分是前蒙泰军,熟悉地形并有战斗经验。

    According to local villagers , most of Mark Kieng militia men were former members of Mong Tai Army and more familiar to the terrain than the PNA .

  12. 在这一过程中,彭禹廷等人最终依靠民团力量达到了肃清匪患、安定地方的目的,从而在一定程度上赢得了当地民众的认可。

    In this process , Peng Yuting and others ultimately relying on the militia forces reached the purpose , who won the recognition of the local population to some extent .

  13. 民团中,新兵被征募,在他们加入正规军前,这些人员长期接收训练和教化。

    In the militia , from which recruits were conscripted , the men had received training and indoctrination for an extended period before the commencement of their active regular service .

  14. 如果双方不迅速作出回应,债券民团将就此施压,可能令欧元陷入混乱,并将欧洲推入更深的经济衰退。

    Without a quicker response from both sides , the bond vigilantes will end up forcing the issue , which could bring a chaotic end to the euro and plunge the continent into an even deeper recession .

  15. 总统是合众国陆海军总司令,并在各州民团被征召为合众国服役时任民团总司令;

    The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States , and of the Militia of the several States , when called into the actual Service of the United States ;

  16. 民团的兴起与发展,集中地反映了晚清以来的地方自治进程与新政时期的地方政治格局,揭示了中国近代社会变迁的内在机制。

    The rise and development of the popular associations in the 1911 Revolution period , reflected the process of local governance and political pattern of the time , and revealed the internal mechanism of modern Chinese social transformation .

  17. 为了能够长久地在该地区统治下去,彭禹廷等人又开始打着自治的旗号在当地进行了以编练民团和进行经济建设为主要内容的自治运动。

    In order to rule the region for a long time , Peng Yuting and others in the name of autonomy began to train a local militia and develop economic as the main content of the autonomy movement .

  18. 和平停火组织新孟邦党在上周五的傍晚新闻发布会宣布,新孟邦党全体一致拒绝军政府提出的改编为边境警卫队或民团的建议。

    The Mon cease-fire group , the New Mon State Party ( NMSP ), announced at a press conference on Friday evening that the party has rejected both the junta 's border guard force ( BGF ) and militia proposals .