
  • 网络Nations and States
  1. 从鄂伦春族看民族与国家关系的一体化

    The Relationship between Nations and States through the Ewenki

  2. 从汉朝至清末,中国依先进之政治、经济、文化建立起以自身为主导、涵盖周边民族与国家的东亚国际体系,充分体现了中国和平的外交哲学与战略理念。

    From Han Dynasty to the end of the Qing , China depending on advanced politic , economy and culture established the self-oriented " East Asian international system ", which covered the surrounding nations and States and fully embodied the peaceful diplomatic philosophy and strategic principle .

  3. 对民族与国家的发展都有重要意义。

    The development of nation and state are of significance .

  4. 民族与国家是互为依存的关系。

    The Minzu is serving as the interdependent relation mutually with the nation .

  5. 民族与国家的演进关系。

    Gradual progress relation of nation and nation .

  6. 党的三代领导集体关于民族与国家安全问题的论述

    Theories of C. P. C Leading Groups in Three Generations on Nationality and State Security

  7. 政治家或思想家可以根据其它民族与国家的经验做出初步选择,但同时,必须尊重农民的最终选择权。

    Politician and thinkers can make initial choice . But they must respect peasant finial choice .

  8. 全球化的一个特点是超越民族与国家的界限,但民族国家观念和爱国主义又仍然要坚持。

    Globalization oversteps the border lines of all nations and countries while the ideas about nation country , and patriotism are to be preserved .

  9. 但是关于跨界民族与国家外交的关系研究却非常罕见,近乎空白。

    But the study in the concerns between the cross & border nationality and diplomacy is rarely seen , truly is a blank space .

  10. 促进民族与国家的良性和谐发展便是解决民族认同与国家认同的问题。

    Promoting harmonious development between ethnic groups and the country hence become the issue of solving the problem between ethnic recognition and national recognition .

  11. 少数民族与国家之间相互融合的政治认同状态如何形成?如何构建与完善多民族国家的政治认同整合机制,这是本研究试图回答的问题。

    How to construct and improve the integrated mechanism of political identity in a multi-national state ? The issue will be answered in this study .

  12. “汉字文化圈”包括使用汉字或曾经使用汉字并承袭汉字文化传统的民族与国家。

    The Chinese-character cultural circle refers to the nations and districts that use Chinese characters or once used Chinese characters and has inherited Chinese-character tradition .

  13. 文化素质是一个人的人生底色、底蕴和大智慧,是一个民族与国家的基本气质、基本性格和基本形象。

    Culture quality is one 's inside informations and great wisdom , and it is the basic qualities , basic nature and basic image of a nation .

  14. 信仰不仅对个人的人生发展具有重要的导向功能,同时以其重要的动力功能和凝聚功能,影响着民族与国家的向心力,维系着民族的团结和国家的稳定。

    Faith does not only guide the development of individual person , but also have great influence upon the centripetal force of nation by its motive power and cohesive force .

  15. 合唱艺术凝聚了集体的智慧和力量、彰显了民族与国家的凝聚力,现已成为世界人民文化生活的重要组成部分。

    Choral Arts embodiment of collective wisdom and strength , shows the nation and national cohesion , the people of the world culture has become an important part of life .

  16. 而汉字文化圈是指使用汉字和汉字式文字,具有相同或类似的文化认同的民族与国家的概称。

    And Chinese character cultural circle is refer to the use of Chinese characters and Chinese characters type text , with the same or similar cultural identity of the nation and state .

  17. 本论文试图认真以芬兰为例辨析欧洲各个民族与国家对中国的理解和认识,研究其具体的历史过程和文化特点,真正总结出欧洲各个不同国家自身对中国文化接受的规律和特点。

    This dissertation attempts to clarify these differences with an in-depth analysis of specific history and culture . So we can really excavate the characteristics and pattern of different European nation cognizing and understanding China .

  18. 由于电视的到来,在改变着当地人的日常生活的同时,也在重新建构着一种新型的中心与边缘、自我、民族与国家的关系,文章对这些问题也作了简要的回答。

    This part also discusses the new relationship of center and rim or ego , nation and state being restructured by mass media ingress , which is altering the local daily life in the mean time .

  19. 虽然民族与国家在现代意义已经非常接近,但是他以政治属性的国家完全代替社会文化结构中的民族,显然属于重大漏洞。

    Although the meanings of nation and state are quite similar in the contemporary society , yet this he uses political state to replace the nation in the social cultural structure , this is obviously a huge leak .

  20. 环境正义是当今环境伦理学聚焦的前沿问题,它是指各群体、区域、民族与国家之间在处理环境问题时所应有的权利和义务的公平对等。

    Environmental justice is the forefront to be focused on environmental ethics nowadays , it means the fairness of the rights and obligations that all groups , regions , people and nations should have in dealing with environmental issues .

  21. 云南跨境民族问题与国家安全研究

    Study on Transnational Nationality Problems and State Safety in Yunnan

  22. 综观其一生,实现民族独立与国家富强,始终是梁启超矢志不渝的追求。

    Surveyed his life , national independence and prosperity always was his pursuit .

  23. 论民族道德与国家道德欧盟委员会超国家性质分析

    National Morality and State Morality Analysis of the Supranational Characters of the European Union

  24. 沈从文:民族身份与国家认同

    Shen Congwen : Nationality and National Identity

  25. 宗教、民族与民族国家分庭抗礼。

    The religion and the ethnicity made rival claims as an equal to the nation-state .

  26. 论民族精神与国家安全

    On National Spirit and State Security

  27. 民族情结与国家关怀&满族学者关纪新与他的满族文学研究

    Ethical Complex and National Regard & Manchu scholar Guan Ji-xin and His research on Manchu Literature

  28. 论民族道德与国家道德

    National Morality and State Morality

  29. 陈寅恪民族融合与国家凝成思想试析

    An Analysis of CHEN Yin-que 's Research on the Integration of the Nations and Formation of a Country

  30. 澳大利亚联邦运动是19世纪后澳大利亚民族与民族国家形成过程中的重大事件之一。

    The Federal Movement of Australia was one of the fateful things in the formative process of Australia and nation-state .