
  • 网络prom;senior prom;Prom night;Prom Queen;High School Prom
  1. 为自己的毕业舞会女伴选一个能够跟她的礼服相配的手花大概是一些年轻人很头疼的事情。不过,这个毕业季,肯德基推出了一款能跟任何礼服搭配的炸鸡手花来救场。

    Choosing a corsage that matches your date 's prom dress can be a major source of anxiety for some young men , but KFC has come to the rescue this prom season with a fried chicken corsage that goes with everything .

  2. 自从跟表妹Sally参加毕业舞会我还没跟白胡子搭配过。

    I haven 't gone out with a whitebeard since I took my cousin Sally to the prom .

  3. 看看那张Mitchell和毕业舞会舞伴妹子握手的照片就知道了。

    That 's why I have a picture of Mitchell and his prom date shaking hands .

  4. 老字号连锁百货公司JohnLewis今年增加了一系列毕业舞会服装。而男士晚礼服出租店也反映,今年这段时间小孩生意有所增加。

    Old-line department-store chain John Lewis added a line of prom dresses this year , and tuxedo-rental stores report a jump in business from kids this time of year .

  5. “毕业舞会越来越精细讲究了,”管理着一家宴会厅的基斯•赖德(KeithRider)说。很多学校租用他的宴会厅举办毕业舞会。

    ' It 's getting more and more elaborate , 'says Keith Rider , who manages a banquet hall here that many schools hire for the big dance .

  6. 在一些学校,毕业舞会正在取代相对实的传统毕业庆典,比如离校生迪斯科舞会(leaversdisco),这种舞会通常在学校体育馆里举行,孩子们穿着牛仔裤来参加。

    In some schools , proms are replacing more modest British traditions like the'leavers disco , 'where kids turn up at the school gym in jeans .

  7. 她不可能会成为毕业舞会皇后。

    There ` s no way she could be Prom queen .

  8. 毕业舞会那晚的回忆全涌上心头。

    All these memories of prom night came back to me .

  9. 成千上万的美国青少年会参加今年的毕业舞会。

    Millions of American teenagers will go to proms this year .

  10. 我们在昨夜的毕业舞会上全醉倒了。

    We all got wasted at the graduation party last night .

  11. 看着孩子们都参加毕业舞会了。

    But watching the kids head off to the senior prom .

  12. 我们不会溜进高中毕业舞会。

    We 're not sneaking in to a high school prom .

  13. 我希望毕业舞会将使我的幻想成真。

    I hope the prom will be a fantasy comes true .

  14. 我们去毕业舞会安不安全

    whether it 's safe for us to go to prom .

  15. 因为她没上高中没参加毕业舞会

    because she didn 't go to a high school No prom

  16. 祝贺那些被提名毕业舞会皇后的男女们。

    Congratulations to the men and women nominated for prom queen .

  17. 在毕业舞会上,发饰万分重要,你知不知道?

    Do you know that hair accessories are mega-important for prom ?

  18. 因为暴风雪的来袭,毕业舞会完全失败。

    The graduation party was a washout because of the big storm .

  19. 你们就能一起去毕业舞会了。

    And you would be going to prom right now .

  20. 我只是说,那可是毕业舞会。

    I 'm just saying , it 's senior prom .

  21. 你知道多少情侣在毕业舞会分手吗?

    You know how many couples break up at homecoming ?

  22. 第一次的高中毕业舞会是1920年代在美国举行的。

    The first high school proms were held in the1920s in America .

  23. 说了怕你们不信,那是我当年的毕业舞会裙。

    That , believe it or not , is my prom dress .

  24. 毕业舞会在哪里举行?

    Where is the senior prom going to be held ?

  25. 今晚呆在那里,想想毕业舞会。

    Stay in the guest house tonight , skip the graduation parties .

  26. 毕业舞会重演。

    Chandler : Whoa , whoa , prom night flashback .

  27. 你要邀请谁去参加毕业舞会?

    Who are you going to invite to the prom ?

  28. 约翰的生日派对就像学校舞会加毕业舞会。

    John 's birthday is , like , homecoming combined with prom .

  29. 我是多烂啊,跟毕业舞会上的狼疮妹同等级吗?

    Who am I ? The girl with lupus at the prom ?

  30. 大家都说她是毕业舞会上最漂亮的女孩。

    Everyone said she was the most beautiful woman at the prom .