
  1. 大学刚毕业的学生我们一般是不招的,因为根本没法用。

    We just graduated from university students generally do not move , because the simply can not use .

  2. 当学生们毕业的时候,我们能确保他们获得工作。

    We can guarantee the students jobs when they graduate .

  3. 到你毕业的时候,我们在澳洲居住就会有一年了。

    By the time you graduate , we____in Australia for one year .

  4. 你毕业的时候只要我们打个电话

    One phone call from us when you graduate ...

  5. 当我们从大学和法学院毕业的时候,我们债台高筑。

    When we graduated from college and law school we had a mountain of debt .

  6. 我大学毕业的时候,我们这一代人也发现世界乱得一团糟。

    When I was graduating from college , my generation also found the world in a mess .

  7. 到我们毕业的时候,我们所拥有的不再仅是停留在纸面上的一个构想了。

    By the time we were [ graduating ] , we were not just an idea on paper .

  8. 这个展览对我来说我是第一次大的展览,如果说群展的话,没有毕业的时候,我们三个人的《个人经验》展览,这是最重要的。

    There was another show " Personal Experience " made by me and other two classmates before graduation , which is very important to me .

  9. 我念完中专就出来工作,虽然工作还是很不错的,而且也有很多刚毕业的大学生在我们车间工作,他们都很羡慕我。

    I joined work after graduated from technical school , although work is not bad , moreover many graduate work in our workshop , they admire me very much .

  10. 毕业的时候,我们都说好好地生活,我们都说在老去的时候,我们携手去看天边,去看那些年轻时为了生存拼搏而无暇顾及的风景。

    Graduation of time , we all say a good life , we all said in old time , we hand in hand to see sky , to see the young to survive out when to care scenery .

  11. 我们已经毕业的学生已经让我们知道他们有这个能力能申请到更高一层次的学校。

    Our graduate students have shown a clear ability to improve the level of university they can apply to .

  12. 虽然高盛可能是世界上薪酬最高的公司,但对于刚毕业的学生而言,我们整个项目团队都领取相同的薪酬。

    Note that this is probably the best-paying corporation in the world , but for new grads , our entire program had identical comp .

  13. 包括那些差点儿没毕业的,还有那些因为老师说“明年我不想再和这个孩子打交道了”所以才拿到了毕业证的学生。我们祝贺他们。

    even those who barely graduated , even those of you who got a diploma because your teacher said , " I do not want to deal with this kid again next year . Let 's just graduate him . "