
  • 网络bianca
  1. 比安卡我来了

    It 's right there . Bianca , I 'm coming .

  2. 比安卡:那你想让我怎么做?

    Bianca : So what do you want me to do ?

  3. 直到他的母亲比安卡发现了这个地方。

    Until his mother , Bianca had discovered the plot .

  4. 比安卡慢慢走出了房子,没有多说一句话。

    Without another word , Bianca had stalked out of the house .

  5. 我想跟比安卡单独待一会儿。

    I 'm going to need a few moments alone with bianca .

  6. 比安卡能不能帮我个忙

    Bianca . I was hoping you could help me with something .

  7. 但比安卡刚刚说我妈就快回来了

    But Bianca just said my mother 's on her way home ,

  8. 我说,比安卡是在包庇某人。

    I think Bianca is covering for her father .

  9. 很不错谢谢你比安卡

    It 's lovely , Bianca , thank you .

  10. 我希望比安卡正经找份工作。

    I wanted Bianca to get a job .

  11. 比安卡:哦,医生,你如此会安慰我。

    Bianca Steele Arden : Oh , you are such a comfort , doctor .

  12. 谢谢。这条裙子是出自意大利设计师比安卡之手。

    Thank you . I 'm wearing a dress from the Italian designer Bianca .

  13. 接着他终于发出一声低沉的呼吸,这让比安卡的魔法失去了作用。

    Then his breath had whooshed out again , making Bianca 's magic useless .

  14. 知道谁给比安卡付帐吗?

    Guess who 's paying bianca 's mortgage ?

  15. 当他在忙活这事情的时候,你就有时间去泡比安卡。

    While he 's busy setting things up , you have time with Bianca .

  16. 比安卡:看看我为咱们新系列的产品设计的商标。

    Bianca : Look at this logo I designed for our new line of products .

  17. 比安卡:你可能是对的,但我认为昆汀更糟糕。

    Bianca : You might be right , but I think Quentin would be worse .

  18. 我们得把比安卡接上。

    We got to pick up bianca .

  19. 比安卡的声音有如孩子般纤细,这与她那张少女面孔及小巧的鼻子正好相衬。

    Bianca had a small , childlike voice which matched her girlish face and tiny nose .

  20. 2006年,比安卡为一个崭新的电视台节目选秀,被称之为“美国之天才”进行试演。

    In2006 , Bianca auditioned for a brand-new TV talent show called America 's Got Talent .

  21. 你取的比安卡的名字。

    You got to name bianca .

  22. 比安卡的魔法是回放术:她可以在一个很小的区域内让时间倒退五秒钟。

    Bianca 's talent was replay : she could jump time back five seconds in a small area .

  23. 上周二晚,当丹蒂的妈妈比安卡发现孩子和狗从前面的花园消失了后,马上报警寻求帮助。

    Dante 's mother Bianca raised the alarm after the pair disappeared from her front garden on Tuesday evening .

  24. 与其跟他们争论这个或那个画家的是非曲直,我倒不如利用这些时间在比安卡的睡椅上打个盹儿。

    I preferred to doze on Bianca 's couch rather than argue about the merits of this or that painter .

  25. 比安卡:好吧,说实话,我的确故意让咱们的商标看起来和他们的相似,这样消费者看到我们的产品就会联想到他们的品牌。

    Bianca : Okay , to be honest , I purposely made them look a little alike so that customers will associate our products with their brand .