
  • 网络Beyond;Albion;Bienne;Haut-Brion
  1. 主要城市:苏黎世,巴塞尔,日内瓦,伯尔尼,洛桑,温特图尔,卢塞恩,比安,图恩。

    Major Cities : Zurich , Basel , Geneva , Bern , Lausanne , Winterthur , Lucerne , Bienne , Thun .

  2. iOS系统的前景如何,很大程度上取决于即将推出的iPhone5能否比安卓或WP8手机更有吸引力。

    Much will depend on how alluring the coming iPhone 5 will appear against offerings from Google and Microsoft .

  3. 然而,最大的新闻是新的iPhone版谷歌地图不仅仅比苹果地图好,至少目前来看,iPhone版谷歌地图在大多方面都要比安卓版谷歌地图强。

    However , the biggest news here is that the new iPhone version of Google Maps isn 't just better than Apple Maps . For now , at least , Google Maps is better in most respects on the iPhone than it is on Android phones .

  4. 整体结果显示,药物的治疗效果比安慰剂更好。

    Overall , the drug did work better than the placebo .

  5. 比安池说:所有的热门道具或是因为电视火起来的,或是因为丑闻。

    Everything is television-driven or scandal-driven , Bianchi said .

  6. 在主要市场例如北美,信比安已被证明不具有竞争性。

    It has proven to be non-competitive in leading markets like North America .

  7. 那将需要一个比安倍计划更为激进的改革议程。

    That would require a more radical agenda than Mr Abe is contemplating .

  8. 开司米羊一般比安哥拉羊大。

    Cashmere goats are larger than Angoras .

  9. 实验结果显示,血肿的吸收喜疗妥组比安慰剂组和完全不治疗组要快得多。

    The results show a significantly faster absorption of haematomas treated with Hirudoid cream compared with placebo-treated and totally untreated controls .

  10. 虽然安全学专家声称,从病毒、黑客攻击、政府管制等各个角度来说,苹果系统大体上是比安卓系统安全性更强的。

    Security experts say iPhones are , in general , more secure than Android phones from viruses , hacks and government surveillance .

  11. 也许没有问题比安乐死和人工流产更有争议性,它们都涉及结束一个人的生命。

    19 . Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion , both of which involve taking the life of a human being .

  12. 然而,那些几乎不可能比安乐死更好的医疗中的可怕事件,作为一种可怕的例行事物,毫无疑问,在美国、英国以及其他许多国家继续存在。

    Yet medical monstrosities that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue , almost as a matter of macabre routine , in America , Britain and many other countries .

  13. 在亚夏彼方的阴影之地,据说还有一片鬼草海,那草长得比安坐马上的人还高,茎秆白得像白璃。

    Down in the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai , they say there are oceans of ghost grass , taller than a man on horseback with stalks as pale as milkglass .

  14. 圣马力诺是世界上第五小的国家(甚至比安道尔还小),主要由意大利移民组成,但是它的居民却能够比那些意大利人多活大约两年之久,总体上它的平均寿命可达83.12岁。

    San Marino , the fifth smallest country in the world ( even smaller than Andorra ) is mostly made up of Italian immigrants , but its inhabitants can expect to live around two years longer than those in Italy , with an overall life expectancy of 83.12 years .