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  1. 通过试验,确定了利用超细水泥进行长井段封窜的施工步骤。

    The treatment process is determined by using ultrafine cement to plug channel through the test .

  2. 这些新型尾管悬挂器包括:可有效解决尾管重叠段封固质量差和油气水窜的集尾管悬挂器、封隔器于一体的尾管封隔悬挂器及其回接装置;

    These new types consist of liner hanger integrated with hanger and packer , which is used to improve cementing quality at the liner laps and stop oil / gas / water channeling and migration , together with the tie-back devices ; They always connected water with their attitude .

  3. 气窜危险程度较小,GELFL越大,发生气窜的可能性越小。现场应用该方法并配制相应的防窜水泥浆体系,有效地防止了环空气窜,主要油气层段水泥封固质量优良。

    The cement slurry system has been successfully used in field to effectively prevent annular channeling , while excellent cementing quality in the main reservoir has been obtained .

  4. 可变式密封段在检测井下封隔器工作状况中的应用

    Application on Changing Seal Segment in Testing Work State of the Packer Under the Well

  5. 泥岩盖层封气性演化阶段及其研究意义大庆嫩二段泥岩盖层封气性综合定量评价

    Quantitative evaluation on comprehensive sealing ability of mudstone caprock of second member of Nenjiang Formation for gas in Daqing