
yì qí
  • a game of chess
  • play chess
弈棋 [yì qí]
  • [play chess] 下棋

  1. 弈棋癫癎和纸牌癫癎&二种新的反射性癫癎

    CHESS EPILEPSY AND CARD EPILEPSY & Two New Patterns of Reflex Epilepsy

  2. 卡瑞先生对于弈棋十分爱好。

    Mr. Cottrell 's zeal for chess is quite remarkable .

  3. 论古典弈棋诗词中棋意象的高雅伴侣

    Discussing the Graceful Partner hift in Qi in Classical Poetry

  4. 晚饭后弈棋挺好。

    It is good playing chess after supper .

  5. 至于谷歌到底能在这次弈棋胜利的基础上走多远,还很难判断。

    Quite how well Google can build on its board game success remains hard to judge .

  6. 现有的课外活动有制陶、弈棋、合唱、羽毛球和一系列参观历史场所活动。

    Available extracurricular activities include pottery , chess , choir , badminton and a series OJ visils to historic houses .

  7. 弈棋仕女图,绢本设色,纵63厘米,新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆藏。

    Noble Lady Playing Chess , ink and pigment on silk , 63cm in height , in the collection of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum .

  8. 综观历代弈棋诗词,可以将这些伴侣意象分作五类,即可以分别从时节、环境、气象、人物、伴随物件等方面对之进行论述。

    On probing into all Chinese classical poetry , we discussed the partners from five aspects including seasons and time , surroundings , meteorological phenomena , characters and accompaniments .

  9. 所谓琴棋书画,在古代,弹琴、弈棋、书法、绘画是文人骚客修身所必须掌握的技能,其中又以“琴”为首位。

    In ancient times , guqin , game of go , calligraphy and painting are a must for scholars and literati to cultivate themselves , among which guqin is listed as no.1 skill .
