
sǐ suǒ
  • deadlock;deadly embrace
死锁[sǐ suǒ]
  1. 一种多agent系统中死锁问题的解决策略

    A Solution to Deadlock in Multi - agent System

  2. 移动Agent系统的一种分布式死锁检测方案

    Distributed Deadlock Detection Scheme in Mobile Agent System

  3. SqlServer作业失败引起死锁的故障排除

    Trouble shooting of deadlock caused by working failure of SQL Server

  4. k元n-立方体网络的死锁特征剖析

    Analysis for Characterization of Deadlocks in k-Ary n-Cube Networks

  5. 柔性制造系统中基于petri网的死锁预防策略

    Deadlock Prevention Policy Based on Petri Net for Flexible Manufacturing System

  6. Java通过同步机制为多线程面向对象程序设计避免相干性破坏数据一致性提供了一种可行的手段,但这种手段若使用不当,则会造成死锁。

    Java has set up the synchronized mechanism to avoid destroying the data consistency caused by coherency .

  7. 使用DB2快照(DB2Snapshot)监控死锁和锁等待的数目。

    Use DB2 Snapshot to monitor the number of deadlocks and lock waits .

  8. Petri网简化技术在死锁避免控制器设计中的应用

    Application of Petri net reduction to deadlock prevention supervisor

  9. Petri网基本信标的求取算法及死锁避免策略研究

    On Algorithms for Computing Elementary Siphons in Petri Nets and Deadlock Avoidance Policy

  10. 一种基于Petri网的指控信息网死锁的检测方法

    The deadlock detection method for command control information network based on Petri net

  11. Petri网在FMS生产调度中避免死锁研究的应用

    Using Petri Net Models to Avoid Deadlocks in Flexible Manufacturing Systems

  12. 迭代控制算法是其中的一种Petri网死锁预防方法。

    Iterative control algorithm is the one focuses on deadlock prevention in Petri nets .

  13. 基于Petri网的指挥信息系统死锁防治算法

    Prevention and Cure of Deadlock Algorithm for Command Information System Based on Petri Net

  14. 运行多个ADMINCOPYSCHEMA过程会导致死锁。

    Running multiple ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedures results in deadlocks .

  15. ORACLE数据库应用中死锁的分析及改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Deadlock in ORACLE Database Application

  16. 基于Petri网模型的FMS死锁结构

    Deadlock Structure of FMS Based on Petri Net Model

  17. 基于Petri网合成与化简的分布式数据库系统并发控制的死锁检测

    Deadlock Detection of Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Based on Composition and Reduction of Petri Net

  18. Petri网研究者提出多种方法来处理柔性制造系统中的死锁问题。

    Many researchers use Petri net as a formalism to deal with deadlock problems in FMS .

  19. 基于PV操作的非死锁同步算法

    A Synchronous Algorithm of Non-deadlock Base on PV Operation

  20. HLA中时间管理算法死锁的规律性

    Rules of Deadlock in Time Management of HLA

  21. 一种解决FMS刀具流死锁问题的方法

    Research on New Method for Deadlock Detection of Tool-flow in FMS

  22. 死锁的PETRINETS模型

    A Petri nets model of deadlock

  23. FMS中刀具流死锁检测新方法的研究

    Research of a new method for deadlock detection of tool-flow in FMS

  24. 因此Petri网的死锁预防策略大多是针对严格极小信标这一特殊结构来进行的。

    Therefore , the strategies of deadlock prevention in Petri nets are derived according to this structural objects .

  25. FMS中资源共享导致的死锁状态及其避免方法

    Deadlock State and Its Avoidance Method in Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Shared Resources

  26. FMS运控软件调试环境中的刀具流死锁的检测

    Tool-Flow Deadlock Detecting in Testing Environment for FMS Controller

  27. 考虑FMS资源故障的一种死锁预防策略

    A deadlock prevention policy for FMS using Petri nets in case of failures

  28. 本文研究了PCI总线死锁的产生机制,提出了防止措施。

    This paper studies the deadlock mechanism for PCI Bus , and presents solutions to the problem .

  29. 本文详细讨论了多Agent系统中死锁依赖的性质以及三种解决死锁依赖的方法,为多Agent系统中稳定性和活性的研究提供了有效的途径。

    We analyze the characters of deadlock dependence , and three solutions to deadlock dependence , Which provide effective methods for stability and activity study in multi-agent system .

  30. 信标的重要性在Petri网的死锁预防分析和控制中已经被充分地认识。

    The importance of siphons is well recognized in the analysis and control of deadlock prevention in Petri nets .