
  • 网络european aeronautic defence space co;EADS
  1. 法国司法机关将对欧洲航空防务与航天公司(EADS)可能存在的内幕交易和散布虚假信息行为展开刑事调查。EADS是法-德两国合资的宇航集团。

    French judicial authorities are launching a criminal investigation into possible insider dealing and the dissemination of false information at EADS , the Franco-German aerospace group .

  2. 他的目的是与德国总理安吉拉·默克尔达成一笔交易,以简化空客母公司&欧洲航空防务和航天公司内部古怪的双头领导结构。

    His aim was to broker a deal with Angela Merkel , Germany 's chancellor , to simplify the odd bicephalic leadership structure at Airbus 's parent company , EADS .

  3. 我希望你们都放心,普京在这次法德俄非正式峰会上向记者表示,我们无意利用这部分股权改变或影响欧洲航空防务与航天公司的政策。

    I want to put you all at ease , Mr Putin told journalists at the informal Franco-German-Russian summit . We do not have the intention of using this stake to change or influence the policy of EADS .