
  • 网络fuzzy clustering;fuzzy cluster method
  1. 基于BP神经网络的模糊聚类法分析地下水质成因

    Genesis analysis of groundwater quality by fuzzy clustering method based on BP neural networks

  2. 应用模糊聚类法应注意的若干关键问题

    Some Notable Key Problems in the Applications of Fuzzy Clustering Methods

  3. 本文运用模糊聚类法对用六种分析设备所测定的某污染水源Cr、Fe和Al数据进行了分类对比,从而为分析设备筛选提供参考。

    In this paper , the data of Cr , Fe and Al , which were determinated to polluted water with six analytical equipments , was classified and compared with cluster analysis , distributed reference for selecting equipment .

  4. 采用基于随机概率的SOM神经网络分类优化算法和基于相关性分析的模糊聚类法分别对主轴温度场的测温点进行优化,结合不同热关键点数目考虑,得到四种主轴热误差测温点优化方案。

    SOM neural network based on random probability and fuzzy cluster method based on correlation analysis are adopted to optimize the temperature measuring points respectively . Optimization schemes are gained considering the different measuring points combinations in the end .

  5. 本文运用模糊聚类法及系统聚类法,对KES-F系列织物风格仪测试的织物风格指标值进行了分类。

    In this paper , the hand indices obtainzd by the KES-F hand meter are satisfactorily classified with both the Fuzzy Cluster Method and the Hierachical Cluster Method .

  6. 本文利用F-PFS聚类法对大气污染区域进行划分,该方法克服了普通模糊聚类法的一些不足,在进行聚类的同时,得到最佳分类数。

    The thesis partitioned atmosphere pollution area through F - PFS classification method . The method conquered many shortages of common fuzzy classification methods and gained the best classification number while classification .

  7. 模糊聚类法在不同参数电针疗效分析中的应用

    Fuzzy cluster analysis of therapeutic effects of electroacupuncture at different parameters

  8. 模糊聚类法在建筑业发展水平分析中的应用

    Application of fuzzy clustering on analysis of construction industry development level

  9. 模糊聚类法对心舒功能指标的分类

    Cluster Analysis of Fuzzy Set for the Classification of Cardiac Diastolic Indexes

  10. 论模糊聚类法在元素分类中的应用

    On the use of fuzzy cluster procedure in element classification

  11. 基于实例的模糊聚类法在地面水环境评价中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Clustering Method on Evaluation of Surface Water Environmental Quality

  12. 模糊聚类法在乙脑流行程度预测中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Clustering Analysis in Forecasting Prevalent Level of Epidemic Encephalitis B

  13. 灰色模糊聚类法用于配电网建设规模评估中的地区分类

    Gray-fuzzy Clustering Applied to District Classification in Size Evaluation of the Distribution Network

  14. 模糊聚类法实现初始码书的优化

    Realize the Optimization of the Initial Codebook by Using the Fuzzy Clustering Method

  15. 灰色多层次综合评判与模糊聚类法在农用地定级中的应用

    Application of Grey Multi-hierarchical Comprehensive Evaluation and Fuzzy Cluster Methods to Farmland Grading

  16. 电路故障诊断的支路代替法和模糊聚类法

    Branch Substitution and Fuzzy Clustering for Circuit Fault Diagnosis

  17. 模糊聚类法在区域发展与比较研究中的应用

    The Applications of the Fuzzy Together Method to Regional Development and Comparative Study

  18. 模糊聚类法在公路交通事故黑点成因分析中的应用

    Application Fuzzy Clustering Method in the Highway Traffic Black-Spot Cause of Formation Analysis

  19. 采用模糊聚类法辅助鉴别烟用香精的品质

    Evaluation of Tobacco Flavors Aided by Fuzzy Cluster Analysis

  20. 基于灰色模糊聚类法的发电企业竞争力分析

    Analysis on Competitiveness of Power Generation Enterprise Based on Gray Fuzzy Clustering Method

  21. 认为模糊聚类法对织物风格分类较理想。

    The Fuzzy Cluster Method to be preferable .

  22. 模糊聚类法在物流园区网络布局中的应用

    Fuzzy Clustering for Logistics Park Network Layout

  23. 用模糊聚类法鉴别织物风格

    Distinguish Fabric Hand with Fuzzy Cluster Method

  24. 用模糊聚类法分析松毛虫个体变异及种类

    Application of fuzzy clustering to analysis of individual variations and population types of pine moth

  25. 宁夏农村经济类型的模糊聚类法划分及其分析

    Division of economic type in the countryside by the method of fuzzy assemble and its analysis

  26. 综合模糊聚类法初探

    A method of synthetical fuzzy cluster

  27. 拟稳点选定的参数估值差分向量模糊聚类法

    Fuzzy taxonomy with vectors of difference or parameter estimates for the selection of imitative stable points

  28. 应用模糊聚类法对建筑工程质量的评判分类

    The application of the fuzzy clustering method in the architectural construction quality in the evaluation and classification

  29. 直接模糊聚类法

    Direct Fuzzy Clustering Method

  30. 大型变压器局部放电的声测定位及模糊聚类法的定位应用

    Acoustic Location of the Partial Discharge in Large Power Transformer and the Application of the Fuzzy Relegation Analysis