
zhènɡ chánɡ ɡōnɡ zuò shí jiān
  • normal working hours
  1. 除非合同首页特别指明,本合同下的维修服务时间为abc维修中心的正常工作时间,不包括节假日。

    Hours of service under this Agreement shall be the normal working hours , excluding holidays , of abc 's Service Center unless otherwise indicated on the first page of this agreement .

  2. 正常工作时间之外,能到现场处理紧急状况;

    Be onsite in case of emergency after normal working hours ;

  3. 你或许只能做个薪水低、非正常工作时间上班的兼职。

    You may have to work part-time , in a badly paid job with unsociable hours

  4. 睿仕管理咨询公司(RightManagement)上个月进行的调查显示,约有三分之一(36%)的员工表示,上司在正常工作时间之外,依然用电子邮件对他们狂轰滥炸,另外有15%抱怨在周末和假期也有同样的遭遇。

    About one-third ( 36 % ) of employees in a poll last month by consultants Right Management said they work for people who bombard them with emails after regular work hours , and another 15 % complained of the same thing on weekends and vacations .

  5. 术后恢复正常工作时间:13例单纯脾破裂20~30d,有合并伤8例30~100d。

    Postoperative time to normal activities was 20 ~ 30 days in 13 cases of simple ruptured spleen and 30 ~ 100 days in 8 cases of ruptured spleen combined with other injuries .

  6. 非正常工作时间(如夜班).齐次非平稳时间序列

    Unsocial hours , eg on night shifts homogeneous nonstationary time series

  7. 应在正常工作时间内申请许可。

    Applications for permits shall be made during normal staff hours .

  8. 加班费对在正常工作时间之外做的额外工作所付的报酬。

    Payment for additional work done outside of regular working hours .

  9. 验收测试应在正常工作时间内进行。

    The taking-over tests shall be carried out during normal working hours .

  10. 每日正常工作时间为8小时。

    2 the normal daily working hours shall be8 hours .

  11. 所以我不得不在非正常工作时间上班。

    So I have to work very unsocial hours .

  12. 你可以在正常工作时间内打电话。

    You can telephone during normal working hours .

  13. 问题7根据男士的说话内容,美国的正常工作时间是什么?

    Question 7.What may be the normal working-time in America according to the man ?

  14. 在这项工作中,每人干满正常工作时间。

    On this job everyone works straight-time .

  15. 尽管用人单位很欢迎大三学生来实习,但大多数都要求按正常工作时间来上班。

    Companies allow junior students to take internships , but most require regular working hours .

  16. 附上一张重要的活页,着重列有在正常工作时间内可用的本地服务电话号码。

    Is an important leaflet highlighting local service telephone numbers for use during normal working hours .

  17. 措施5.指出是全天都可以进行云访问,还是只在正常工作时间提供云访问。

    Action # 5.Indicate whether cloud access is24 hours a day or during normal working hours .

  18. 他常常不在正常工作时间工作。

    He oftern worked after hours .

  19. 不接受由于正常工作时间以外工作而支付的额外报酬要求。

    No claims for extra remuneration on account of working outside normal working hours shall be entertained .

  20. 其平均持续正常工作时间和系统在线修复设备故障容许的平均间隔时间的计算结果表明,只要在一定的容许时间内替换或修复故障磁盘,系统可保持持续正常工作状态。

    We show that RAID will keep operating Correctly as long as the failed disk is replaced or repaired in time .

  21. 既然你是中层,你将会比正常工作时间多工作1.5小时。

    Since you 'll be in middle management , you 're expected to be available up to1.5 hours past normal working hours .

  22. 在正常工作时间,员工工作效率低下,这样他们就可以加班,获得额外的报酬。

    During normal working hours , employees work with low efficiency so that they can stay through the evening to receive the extra benefits .

  23. 并非所有测试都将在正常工作时间中进行,因此要预先为测试时间甚至专用的测试设备做好计划和预算。

    Not all testing will be done during normal work hours , so plan and budget ahead for testing time and even dedicated testing equipment .

  24. 雇员每日正常工作时间不得超过八小时,每两周工作总时数不得超过八十四小时。

    The Employee shall not have regular working hours in excess of eight ( 8 ) hours a day and eighty-four ( 84 ) hours every two weeks .

  25. 全球化的发展也意味着某些公司需要和不同时区的同事联系,因此人们也会在非正常工作时间工作。

    Growing globalisation also means it necessary for some companies to be in touch with colleagues in different time zones , so it will happen outside normal working hours .

  26. 在8个国家的调查报告中,正常工作时间之外,不用到急诊科就诊时,美国成年人也是最难获得医疗保健的。

    S.adults also were among the most likely of those in eight countries surveyed to report difficulty obtaining health care after regular office hours without going to the emergency department .

  27. 有些员工表示,他们几乎全天24小时待命,其中9成受访者表示要在正常工作时间外收发电邮和接打工作电话。

    Some workers confess they are on call almost 24 hours a day , with nine out of ten saying they take work emails and calls outside their normal working hours .

  28. 费率包括,但是不局限于住宿,餐补以及其他承包商员工在正常工作时间外工作可能产生费用。

    Rates include , but are not limited to accommodation , meal allowance and the possible expenses arising from the work of other employees of the contractor in non-normal working hours .

  29. 该法案提议,任何因员工没在正常工作时间外回复电话、邮件、短信或即时信息而处罚员工的雇主,将被处以250美元的罚款。

    The bill proposes a fine of $ 250 to any employer who punishes their employee for not responding to calls , emails , texts or instant messages after regular working hours .

  30. 约定职工正常工作时间的工资要具体明确,并不得低于本市当年最低工资标准;

    The salary for an employee in normal working hours should be clear and with details , and shouldn 't be lower than the lowest salary standard of that year in that city .