
  • 网络mould designer;die designer;Tooling design Engineer;mould design & test engineer
  1. 市场缺口大模具设计师受市场青睐详细

    Die designers favored by the large gap in the market market more

  2. 设计中心拥有多名阅历丰富的高级模具设计师。

    There are more than one senior designer with rich experience in design department .

  3. 本文阐述了模具设计师培养目标、模式和方法的提出和实现。

    The paper deals with the objectives , modes and ways of training mould stylist .

  4. 对于专用件:采用自动设计与人机交互设计相结合的实现方法,即兼顾设计效率又可以发挥模具设计师的创造性。

    To special-purpose parts : System adopts the method combined with automatic design and human - computer interaction design .

  5. 因此其应用有限,注射模设计对模具设计师的知识和经验的依赖性没有降低。

    Hence , the application of expert system in the field of injection mold design has been studied in this thesis .

  6. 图纸审批后,在图纸下发同时,模具设计师将图纸按要求共享于公司网络上。

    Mould design engineer should share the drawing by internal net with other people when distributing it to related personnel after it is approved .

  7. 整个设计过程由计算机自动完成,不需要模具设计师的推理计算,减少了由于模具设计师经验不足带来的设计缺陷,而且避免了不必要的人为错误,大大提高了模具设计效率和质量。

    The entire designing process is completed by the computer automatically without the calculation of the designer , which decreases the flaws caused by the lach of experience of the mold designer , helps to avoid mistakes and improves the efficiency and quality of the mold design .

  8. 在我国,塑料工业是一个新兴发展的行业,塑料模具设计主要依靠模具设计师的直觉和经验。

    Plastic industry is a developing industry newly in China . Mould designers depend their intution and experience on mould design .