
  1. 在加工空气压力为0.7MPa(G)、膨胀量与加工空气量之比为25%的情况下,使氧的提取率达到85%~90%。

    When pressure of treatment air flowrate is 0.7 MPa ( G ), the ratio between expansion flowrate and treatment air flowrate is 25 % , oxygen extraction rate is achieved 85 % ~ 90 % .

  2. 150m~3/h空分设备停运一段时间后重新运行,除油系统效果不佳,使加工空气中含油量大,运行周期大大缩短。

    Oil-eliminating system did not work well in rerunning a 150m ~ 3 / h air separation unit after shutdown for a period of time , resulting in excess oil in processed air and then severe shortening of operating period .

  3. 对大型液氧内压缩中压空分流程设计有关主要技术参数,特别是对增压后加工空气压力的影响因素进行了初步分析探讨。

    To illustrate the main technical parameters of large size media pressure air separate process design of liquid oxygen internal compress , the preliminary discussion on the effect factor of process air pressure , especially on the pressure increased situation .

  4. [方法]检测废旧蓄电池回收加工区域空气、饮用水、土壤和小麦样品中铅含量,测定同区域内5~9岁学龄儿童血铅(PbB)浓度和血液锌原卟啉(ZnPP)含量。

    The lead levels of air , soil , drinking water and wheat in the township recycling storage batteries area and the control were measured respectively . The blood lead and ZnPP levels in children at the age of 5 ~ 9 years were measured .

  5. 整顿的目的既是为了保护日趋枯竭的资源,也是为了控制锑加工给空气、水和土壤带来的有毒物质。

    The aim of the shutdown was to protect depleted reserves , but also to combat toxins in the air , water and soil caused by antimony processing .

  6. 有色金属加工厂压缩空气站系统节能设计简介

    Energy Saving Design in the System of Compressed air shop in Nonferrous-metal processing factory

  7. 该法可避免机械振动和碰撞对扇贝的损伤,减少因加工过程在空气中暴露对扇贝生长的影响。

    This method could avoid destroying scallop due to vibration and bump , and decrease the influence on growth of scallop when processing in the air .

  8. 铝加工企业对压缩空气的质量要求及其净化处理

    The Quality Requirement of Compressed Air and Its Purging System

  9. 生物垃圾加工厂供料厅空气微生物菌群的研究

    Study on Microbiological Floras in Air of Supplying Materials Workshop in A Biological Refuse Treatment Plant

  10. 这些迹象可能由多种因素造成,包括吸烟、吃油腻的加工食品、新鲜空气不足等等。

    They could be triggered by a host of factors including smoking , eating fatty , processed foods and not getting enough fresh air .

  11. 在空气环境中利用氩等离子体射流进行材料加工时,环境空气卷吸进入射流可能会引起金属材料氧化。

    When materials processing using laminar argon plasma jets is performed in ambient air , the entrainment of air into the jets will lead to the oxidation of processed metallic materials .

  12. 重点分析了一些主要的加工参数,例如空气压力、磨料材料、尺寸、供给率、喷嘴的形状和尺寸、喷射距离以及工件材料,对切削性能和切口特征的影响。

    Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the effects of some major process parameters , such as air pressure , abrasive material , size and supply rate , nozzle shape and dimension , stand - off distance and workpiece material on the cutting performance and kerf characteristics .