
  • 网络forest fire suppression
  1. 这一模型的提出对CAFS系统产生泡沫应用于森林火灾扑救有重要指导意义,可用于预测外力作用下灭火泡沫的流动行为,充分发挥泡沫的阻火和灭火效能。

    The origination of the model will be of great importance to the application of foam generated by CAFS in forest fire suppression both in fire direct attack and acting as a firebreak .

  2. 森林火灾扑救风险控制与处置的对策研究

    Study on Strategies of Controlling and Disposing Forest Fire Suppression Risk

  3. 基于GIS的森林火灾扑救路径的构建

    Using GIS to Build the Most Suitable Forest Fires Fighting Path

  4. 基于资源竞争决策的森林火灾扑救智能决策支持系统

    Forest fire suppression intelligent decision and support system based on resource competition decision

  5. 对森林火灾扑救中安全问题的研究和探讨

    Research on the safety problem of forest fire suppression

  6. 森林火灾扑救属于高风险、高危险作业。

    Forest fire suppression is a task with high risk and high danger .

  7. 森林火灾扑救风险管理问题的探讨与研究

    Probe into Risk Management in Forest Fire Fighting

  8. 森林火灾扑救中扑火队员的安全防范

    Fire Fighters Safety in Forest Fire Fighting

  9. 笔者将风险和风险管理理论引入森林火灾扑救之中,提出林火扑救风险及风险管理的概念和内涵;

    The concept and connotation of risk and risk management were introduced into forest fire fighting .

  10. 森林火灾地面扑救的最佳路线的计算

    Calculation of Best Attack Route for Forest Fire Fighting on the Ground

  11. 黑龙江森林火灾初次扑救派出人员数量模拟与分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Number of Firefighters Dispatched in Initial Attack of Forest Fire in Heilongjiang Province

  12. 云南官方表示,省内有2000余人投入到森林火灾的扑救工作中。

    Authorities in Yunnan say more than 2-thousand people are working to put out a forest fire in the province .

  13. 模型可以为森林火灾的扑救提供精确、实时、全局的火场发展预测图,并且不受火行为的复杂性和地理要素的复杂性的限制。

    Therefore , it can provide forest fire fighting with precise and overall predicted diagram of fire development in real time , not restricted by complexities of fire behaviors or geographical elements .

  14. 本文就火灾扑救中如何应用卫星定位系统来实施以火攻火以及应注意的问题进行了讨论,对今后部队、地方更好的完成森林火灾的扑救工作有一定的指导意义。

    In this article , we discuss how to apply GPS to controlling fire with fire and some questions that we could notice , aiming at instructing army and locality to extinguish forest fire effectively .

  15. 建立了森林火灾地面扑救方式(直接扑救、间接扑救和平行扑救)的最佳扑救路线的数学模型,设计了模型的计算机数值求解算法。

    The paper sets up a mathematical model for forest fire fighting on the ground ( direct attack , indirect attack and parallel attack ) to get the best attack route , and designs its numerical algorithm on computer .

  16. 如何有效控制和消灭森林火灾,加强扑救森林火灾安全,保证部队官兵的生命安全,是一个重大课题。

    It is a very important subject to control and extinguish forest-fire effectively , improve the security level of forest-fire , make army officers ' and soldiers ' life safe .

  17. 森林资源价值及人力成本对森林火灾扑救方式的影响

    Effect of the Forest Resources ' Value and the Labor Costs ' Change on the Methods of

  18. 近年来,世界森林火灾频发,森林资源和人民群众生命财产损失触目惊心,森林火灾扑救过程中应急处置,特别是火场紧急避险问题引起了世界各国的普遍重视。

    In recent years , with the frequent forest fires across the world , forest resources and lives and property of people suffer from startling losses . Emergency disposal in forest fire attack , in particular emergency avoidance is brought to the forefront by each and every country .

  19. 在多年森林火灾遥感监测的基础上,利用3S技术,从森林火灾预警监测扑救等过程入手,建立了自动化、流程化的河南省森林遥感防火系统。

    An automatic and procedural preventing system of forest-fire disasters is built by means of SSS technology on the basis of the long-time satellite remote sensing practice .

  20. 根据森林火灾发生的特点,分析火灾发生前后消与防的主要矛盾,在森林火灾预防和扑救阶段,应采取不同的应对措施。

    Based on the patterns of forest fires , the major characteristics and problems in the stage of fire protection and fire suppression are analyzed , and therefore different management measures should be applied .