
  • 网络Forest Bath;in the woods;Green shower
  1. 森林浴及森林浴场的开发

    Forest Bath and Development of Bathing Forests

  2. 前半段以娱乐性参与性为主题进行宣传,后半段以森林浴为主题。

    The first half should use recreational participation as the theme of publicity , the second half choose the forest bath theme .

  3. 研究显示,森林浴能够增强人的免疫系统。

    Studies show that forest bathing can strengthen the immune system .

  4. 森林浴对几项生理值的影响

    The Effect of Forest-air - bath on Some Physiologic Parameters

  5. 在家泡个森林浴

    Take a " green bath " in home

  6. 多孔淀粉对森林浴香精的吸附及释放性能研究

    Studies on the Absorption and Release Properties of Control-released Porous Starches of Forest Note Fragrance Compounds

  7. 现在,森林浴已经成了日本国内公认的一种放松减压活动。

    It has now become a recognized relaxation and / or stress management activity in Japan .

  8. 将森林浴融入健康的生活方式当中这个理念是在1982年由一家日本森林经纪公司提出来的。

    Incorporating forest bathing trips into a good lifestyle was first proposed in 1982 by the Forest Agency of Japan .

  9. 森林浴就是到森林里放松地走一走,其效果被认为与自然芳香疗法类似。

    A forest bathing trip is a short , leisurely visit to a forest and is regarded as being similar to natural aromatherapy .

  10. 森林浴训练法在高校田径运动员赛前状态调控应用中的个案研究

    Research on the Use of the Training Methodology of Forest Bath in Pre-Competition Mental State Control of Male Amateur Athletes in Colleges and Universities

  11. 狼牙山风光绮丽,漫山遍布苍松翠柏,涉足游览,可尽享森林浴之妙。

    Langya Mountain scenery lai , Man Shan over the cypress pines to get into the tour , can enjoy the wonderful forest bath .

  12. 森林浴的内容主要是在森林里放松、休闲,同时呼吸树木散发出的挥发性物质,这些物质能够帮助减轻压力和放松心情。

    A forest bathing trip involves visiting a forest for relaxation and recreation while breathing in volatile substances derived from trees , which can lower stress and make people feel at ease .