
  • 网络Forest Management
  1. 对森林经理学科的认识与思考

    The Thinking and Understanding on the Discipline of Forest Management

  2. 森林经理学与人工智能

    Thought on Relative of Forest Management and Artificial Intelligence

  3. 根据来自吉林省汪清林业局森林经理调查的12个落叶松复位样地的131个径阶组数据,应用Logistic型回归式建立了落叶松林木枯损模型。

    Logistic regression was used to model tree mortality of Larix based on the data from l31 diameter-class groups of l2 forest management inventory remeasured plots in Wangqing Forestry Bureau of Jilin Province .

  4. 创建多效益林业是森林经理的新课题

    Establishing multiple benefit forest is a new subject of forest management

  5. 森林经理学课程试题库系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of a test question-bank for forest resource management

  6. 集体林森林经理调查技术体系

    Technology system of forest management survey in collective forest

  7. 森林经理的性质、内涵和名称

    The Nature , Intension and Terms of Forest Management

  8. 21世纪的森林经理发展动态

    Development of Forest Management in the 21st Century

  9. 论述了建立和谐林场是森林经理的内在要求。

    Setting up the harmonious forest farm is the inherent demand of forest management .

  10. 现代生态科学与森林经理学:寻求森林经营的生态合理性

    Modern Ecological Sciences and Forest Management : Towards the Forest Management for Ecological Reasonableness

  11. 整体性原则、多元发展原则、社会性原则是森林经理应遵循的原则;

    Entirety , pluralistic development , socialization are the principles for the forest management ;

  12. 龄级法在集体林区森林经理中的应用

    Application of Age Class Method in Forest Management Work for Collectively Owned For-est Area

  13. 森林经理的景观生态视角

    Thought on Forest Management from Landscape Ecology

  14. 林业标准化与森林经理

    Forestry Standardization and Forest Resources Management

  15. 国有林森林经理系列技术研究

    Study on State Forest Management Techniques

  16. 应用森林经理调查资料研究现实林分生长特性

    A Researching Method on Growth Characteristics of Real Forest Stand Using Data of Forest Management Inventory

  17. 文章就我国森林经理发展概况及存在问题提出了对策。

    The paper also puts forward countermeasures for the development and problems of forest management in China .

  18. 中国森林经理探讨

    Discussion of Chinese Forest Organization

  19. 以森林经理调查与生态调查相结合的方法为基础,分析八达岭林场糠椴次生林分结构以及生物多样性。

    Based on forest inventory and ecology inventory , analysis on the stand distribution and biodiversity was conducted .

  20. 森林经理学科发展问题探讨

    Development of Forest Management

  21. 模型集成现代森林经理学、近自然林业、可持续经营、生物多样性保护和信息技术等理论与手段,并成功地与检查法相结合,可操作性强。

    The model integrates modern forest management theory and information technology , and is successfully connected with control method .

  22. 同时,也为森林经理学科精品课程建设提供了强有力的支持。

    At the same time , its provide a strong support for super course building of forest resource management .

  23. 其配套措施的实施,有利于林地生产力的提高,也将提高森林经理工作水平。

    So the matched measures were put in practice in favor of enhancement of forest productivity and forest management level .

  24. 以往对桉树的研究多集中在育种、种植、抚育和森林经理等领域,对桉树产业生产领域的研究比较少。

    In the past , the research on eucalyptus was more concentrated on breeding , planting , tending and forest managers with less eucalyptus industrial production field .

  25. 而恢复生态学的发展则为森林经理学服务于以森林资源总量增长优先的中国林业发展提供了切入点。

    The development of restoration ecology provides a handle for forest management to couple with forestry development in China that is preferential for the growth of gross forest resources .

  26. 收集了近50年满归林业局四次森林经理调查的数据,林相图,森林调查数据库及128块标准地,标准木384株、解析木21株的数据。

    Data of 4 times forest management inventory , forest map , forest inventory database , 128 plots , 384 standard trees and 21 stem analysis trees almost 50 years were collected .

  27. 以往森林经理调查中,航片判读小班蓄积与地面实测蓄积之间的统计关系多建立在经典的最小二乘原理之基础上。

    In the survey of forest management previously , the statistic relationship between the photo interpretation volume of the plot and the practical measurement is based on the classical principle of MLS .

  28. 对建国以来森林经理学教材建设进行了简单的历史回顾,指出现有森林经理学教材存在着目的任务不实、基础理论不稳、调整方法贫乏、研究内容单一的缺陷。

    The review of the construction history of the textbooks on forest management since the foundation of PRC revealed there existed some limitations in the textbooks such as unpractical task , unstable fundamental theory , insufficient methods for adjustment , simple study content .

  29. 应用森林经理基本原理及森林资源培育的集约经营、永续利用基本原则,提出商品林组织制度的改革与经营制度的改革必须同步进行。

    By application of the basic principles of forest management and forest resources fostered by the " intensive management , sustainable using " basic principles , proposed the reforms about the commercial forest organizations ' operating system and management system must be carried out simultaneously .

  30. “退化是另一个问题。”美国华盛顿特区的世界资源研究所的森林景观目标项目经理FredStolle说。

    " Degradation is another story ," says Fred Stolle , programme manager of the Forest Landscape Objective , at the US-based World Resources Institute , in Washington DC .