
  • 网络Nuclear power unit;KSNP
  1. 核电机组反应堆平均温度控制仿真系统图形化建模中温平板型SOFC电堆的模拟与控制

    Graphical modeling for simulation of average temperature control systems for nuclear units ' reactors

  2. CANDU核电机组的特点与发展

    Characteristics and development of CANDU NPP unit

  3. 为实现对CPR1000核电机组核岛通风系统的可靠控制,采用了小型PLC作为其控制器。

    For achieving robust control of the nuclear island HVAC system of CPR1000 nuclear power unit , the miniature PLC is used .

  4. 1000MW级核电机组的模糊决策

    Grade . Fuzzy Decision of 1 000 MW Nuclear Generating Unit

  5. 文中简单介绍了核电站运行必须遵守的安全准则以及法国900MW核电机组的两种不同的运行模式(A模式和G模式),并比较了它们之间的基本控制原理、运行特性及其优缺点。

    This paper introduces briefly the operational safety criteria of fhe PWR nuclear power plant and their operational modes : Mode A and Mode G. The principle of the basic control , the operational performance , the advantages and the shortcomings of two modes are compared .

  6. 两国签署《美国核管制委员会和中国国家核安全局关于AP1000型核电机组核安全合作谅解备忘录》。

    Both countries signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on Nuclear Safety for the Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Reactor .

  7. 本文提出了压水堆核电厂上网电价方程,并对2×600MW核电机组的固定投资、年利息率和资金回收期假定了几种不同数值,在此基础上进行了上网电价计算。

    Equation of electric price in connection-grid of PWR nuclear power plant wes proposed , moreover , several values of fixed investment , annual interest rate and fund recycle period were assumed .

  8. 核电机组大电流离相封闭母线的选型

    Model Selection of Large Current Enclosed Bus-bar for Nuclear Power Unit

  9. 核电机组汽轮机监测仪表的特性及应用

    Characteristics and Application of Monitor Instrument for Turbine of Nuclear Power Units

  10. 百万千瓦级核电机组汽轮机的特点及选型原则

    MW-Class Nuclear Power Turbine Features and Its Model Selection Principles

  11. 百万等级核电机组设计方案初探

    Initial Research on 1000 MW Class Nuclear Power Unit

  12. 核电机组除氧器对比与超压问题分析

    Comparison of Common Deaerators and Analysis on Overpressure Problem

  13. 900MW核电机组主泵泵体射线探伤工艺简介

    Brief Introduction of Radiographic Examination Procedure of Primary Pump of 900 MW Nuclear Power Unit

  14. 由于核电机组的特殊性,对其安全性也更加重视。

    Because of the particularity of nuclear power units , its safety is given more attention .

  15. 核电机组汽水分离再热器的发展

    The Development of Nuclear MSR

  16. 创新型封闭式基金相关条款价值研究核电机组大电流离相封闭母线的选型

    Research on Closed End Fund Innovation Model Selection of Large Current Enclosed Bus-bar for Nuclear Power Unit

  17. 改善核电机组启动阶段蒸汽发生器水质的措施

    Means of Improving the Water Quality of Steam Generators of Nuclear Power Units in the Start-up Stage

  18. 田湾核电站是中国首次自俄引进核电机组。

    Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant is the first time for China to bring in nuclear power units Russia .

  19. 但在这个危险的行业中,更具威胁性的集中或许在于核电机组的集中化。

    But perhaps a more threatening form of concentration in this dangerous industry is at the facility level .

  20. 此外,由于压水堆的负温度效应,核电机组可承受一定的外部干扰和功率阶跃。

    In addition , due to temperature and poisoning negative feedbacks , PWR NPP can withstand certain disturbances including step power .

  21. 核电机组的退出将会导致系统失去大量有功功率,使故障情况进一步恶化。

    Also the withdrawal of nuclear power units will cause the system to lose substantive active power , making the malfunction even worse .

  22. 蒸汽发生器是核电机组的重要设备之一,对其水位实施有效控制是核电站安全生产的重要保证。

    It is the effective control of water level of the steam generator that could guarantee the security of a nuclear power plant .

  23. 目前,中国核动力研究设计院承担的核电机组的堆芯换料设计均引进法国先进的软件包。

    At present , the code package used for nuclear power unit reload design by Nuclear Power Institute of China is from France .

  24. 核电机组的陆续建设和运行缓解了当今世界的能源需求,但是核电站的运行也可能会带来一定的安全隐患。

    Construction and operation of nuclear power plant can ease the demand for energy in the world today , but it also bring security risks .

  25. 本文从大型核电机组对发变组保护配置的要求出发,就秦山第二核电厂发变组保护的配置的特点、相关逻辑及调试问题作出分析,以供参考。

    From special requirements of large nuclear power station , analyze the configuration feature , relative logic and problem during commissioning of the generator-transformer protection .

  26. 同时,本文也分析和讨论了我国超超临界火电机组和百万千瓦核电机组用钢技术的未来发展问题。

    Meanwhile , the authors also analyzed and discussed the potential research and development plans of the important steel technology in China in the near future .

  27. 本文介绍了迄今我国在超超临界火电机组和百万千瓦核电机组用钢方面的研发进展和取得的成就,并与国外同类技术的研发水平进行了对比。

    This paper briefly introduced the state-of-the-art and achievement of steel technology used for USC fossil fired power plants and advanced nuclear power plants in China so far .

  28. 目前,英维思的安全和控制系统技术已经在中国福建、浙江和海南省正在建设的8台核电机组上进行了安装。

    In total , Invensys safety and control system technology is being installed at eight nuclear power units under construction in the Fujian , Zhejiang and Hainan provinces .

  29. 钢铁材料技术是保证超超临界火电机组和百万千瓦核电机组建设顺利进行的最重要基础之一。

    Further , steel technology is one of the most imperative fundamentals to ensure the development and construction of USC fossil fired power plants and advanced nuclear power plants .

  30. 探讨了降低煤耗的主要途径,诸如发展大功率高参数机组、研制核电机组、发展热电联产和改造老机组等。

    Ors and the main ways to reducing it ( development of large capacity power units with high parameters , cogeneration development and retrofit of aged units , etc. ) .