
hé shè shī
  • nuclear facilities
核设施[hé shè shī]
  1. 年3月25日星期五,日本福岛县相马市,为福岛核设施泄露而设立的避难中心里,一位妇女一动不动地坐在那里。

    A woman sits motionless at an evacuee center for leaked radiation from the damaged fukushima nuclear facilities friday march 25 2011 in soma fukushima prefecture japan.2011

  2. 基于EON的核设施VR特征建模技术研究

    Research of EON-based Feature Model Constructing Techniques for Nuclear Facilities

  3. 一切核设施均须执行国际防护措施。

    All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards .

  4. 首先,他们同意国际原子能机构(IAEA)检查员对伊朗的核设施进行监督。

    They first agreed to allow IAEA inspectors to monitor their nuclear facilities .

  5. 留着胡须的毛拉在一座藏匿于山中的秘密核设施里监视着旋转的离心机脑海中的这幅画面听上去像是詹姆斯邦德(Jamesbond)影片里的某个场景。

    The mental image of bearded mullahs watching spinning centrifuges in a secret nuclear-facility hidden in a mountain sounds like something out of a James Bond film .

  6. 解读核设施放射性流出物释放的ALARA和BAT概念

    Interpretation of the concepts of ALARA and bat for radioactive effluent releases from nuclear installation

  7. IAEA负责人在与伊朗官员进行会谈之后发表讲话。伊朗官员称,会谈与库姆核设施无关。

    The IAEA director spoke in Tehran , following talks Iranian officials say were unconnected to the Qom facility .

  8. 本文介绍了热释光剂量计(TLD)用于核设施环境累积剂量的测量以及所采取的质量控制措施。

    The paper presents the measurements and its quality control of environmental col-lective dose of nuclear facilities by TLD .

  9. 反应堆等其他重要核设施所产生的气载放射性微粒物(P)、放射性碘(I)和放射性气体(G),通常简称为PIG。

    The nuclear facilities including the nuclear reactors will produce the airborne radioactive substances consisting of radio particulates ( P ), radio - iodine ( I ) and radio - gases ( G ), normally called PIG .

  10. 福岛(Fukushima)悲剧发生后,有关国家采取行动加强核设施的稳定与安全,这是正确和应有的做法。

    After the tragedy at Fukushima , it was right and appropriate that nations moved to improve the safety and security of nuclear facilities .

  11. 朝鲜在本周摆出一些和缓姿态,对前美国驻联合国大使比尔理查森(billrichardson)表示,愿意允许国际核查人员重返其宁边核设施。

    North Korea made some conciliatory gestures this week , telling Bill Richardson , former US ambassador to the UN , that it was willing to allow international inspectors access to its Yongbyon nuclear site .

  12. RichardLevernier由于揭露美国的一些核设施并不安全可靠,而导致他的机密工作许可证被吊销。

    Richard Levernier had his security clearance revoked for revealing that some of the country 's nuclear facilities were not properly secured .

  13. 人们普遍认为,美国是去年stuxnet病毒攻击的支持者通过微软(microsoft)和西门子(siemens)软件的漏洞传播stuxnet病毒,由此摧毁了伊朗的核设施。

    It is widely believed to have been behind the Stuxnet attack last year , which destroyed Iranian nuclear equipment after spreading virally through holes in Microsoft and Siemens software .

  14. 核设施环境评价软件包(NGLAR)

    A Package for Environmental Impact Assessment of Nuclear Installations ( NGLAR )

  15. 针对散料核设施,提供了一个核材料衡算和MUF评价的方法。

    For the bulk handling facilities , a method of the nuclear material accounting and the Material Unaccounted For ( MUF ) evaluation is given in this paper .

  16. 美国国务院表示,朝鲜将允许国际原子能机构(iaea)核查人员回到一直在进行铀浓缩的宁边(yongbyon)核设施。

    The US State Department said North Korea would allow for the return of inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to the Yongbyon facility , where it has been enriching uranium .

  17. 因此对退役场址土壤中容许剩余放射性水平(ARCL)的确定是核设施退役中最受关注的一个问题。

    Determining allowable residual radioactivity levels ( ARCL ) insoil is one of commonly concerned problems for decommissioning nuclear site .

  18. 相比之下,除了Stuxnet蠕虫病毒这个例外——这种传说中美国与以色列对伊朗核设施发动的网络攻击——西方攻击性的网络活动始终是有限的。

    With the exception of Stuxnet , a suspected US / Israeli cyber attack on Iran 's nuclear capability , aggressive western cyber activity has been limited .

  19. 伊朗完全可以在防御性更强的地点重建核设施,就像1981年以色列轰炸奥西拉克(osirak)反应堆后,伊拉克所做的那样。

    Iran would simply rebuild its facilities in less vulnerable locations , as Iraq did after Israel bombed the Osirak reactor in 1981 .

  20. 此次调查中,共布设测量点61个,其中,25km×25km网格点26个,在市区、各县城区、某核设施厂区周围布设加密点35个。

    26 grid points were distributed in terms of 25 km × 25 km with 35 densed points around the urban area , counties and a nuclear facility .

  21. 介绍了基于微机的核设施环境评价软件包(NGLAR)的主要内容、设计原则和特点。

    The main contents , designing strategies and properties of the microcomputer-based software package NGLAR are described for environmental impact assessment of nuclear installations .

  22. 本文采用RC电路和μA741集成运算放大器组成定时器,与瞬发电雷管配合使用构成定时起爆器,其性能可靠、价格低廉、定时准确、延时可调,可用于核设施退役爆炸切割器起爆。

    This paper presents a new kind of dependable , cheap , accurate , delay-adjustable detonation timer which consists of RC circuit and μ A741 integrated circuit and electric detonator . It can be used to detonate in special conditions , e. g.

  23. 鉴于核设施规模远超预期,访问过该设施的美国核科学家塞格福雷德海克(SiegfriedHecker)等分析人士纷纷表达了担忧,认为朝鲜可能还有其它设施隐藏在别的地方。

    Since the plant is much more extensive than expected , the fear expressed by analysts such as Siegfried Hecker , the US scientist who visited the complex , is that North Korea could have other facilities hidden elsewhere .

  24. 为向特定场址的污染土壤清污补救行动推荐相关的管理限值,探讨了核设施退役时放射性污染土壤中允许残留污染水平(ARCL)的估算方法。

    The aim of present work is to discuss the estimation method of allowable residual contamination levels ( ARCL ) in radioactivity-contaminated soil near by the nuclear facilities under decommissioning or to be decommissioned .

  25. 关西电力(kepco)是日本西部地区(包括福井在内)大部分核设施的运营商,目前该公司在大饭核电站开展的压力测试已获得国家监管部门的部分认可。

    Kansai Electric Power ( KEPCO ) , operator of most of the atomic facilities in western Japan , including Fukui , has won a partial endorsement from regulators in Tokyo of its stress tests at OI .

  26. 他极为精确地回忆,这部影片的创意是在2011年8月8日产生的,灵感来自2010年发现的电脑蠕虫Stuxnet,当时它攻击了伊朗的核设施。

    The idea for the film - which , he recalled in his implacably precise manner , he first had on Aug. 8 , 2011 - was inspired by Stuxnet , the computer worm that was identified in 2010 , after it had struck an Iranian nuclear facility .

  27. MESORAD&核设施事故应急响应快速剂量评价程序

    MESORAD ── Rapid Dose Assessment Code for Nuclear Emergency Response Application

  28. 核设施退役过程中减少职业性辐照剂量的途径

    Basic ways for Reducing Professional Radiation during Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities

  29. 关于核设施放射性流出物导出排放限值的讨论

    Discussion on derived release limits for radioactive effluents from nuclear facility

  30. 核设施事故情况下公众辐射防护措施分析

    Analysis of Measures for Public Radiation Protection at Nuclear Facility Emergency