
  • 网络nuclear terrorism;Protection Against Nuclear Terrorism;GICNT
  1. 制止核恐怖主义行为公约

    Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism

  2. 核恐怖主义的危险仍然是对全球安全最大的威胁之一。

    The danger of nuclear terrorism remains one of the greatest threats to global security .

  3. 核恐怖主义的国际法应对

    International Law Countermeasure to Nuclear Terrorism

  4. 在这三者基础之上,我们还应增加第个四要素:防范核恐怖主义。

    And to those three pillars , we should add a fourth : preventing nuclear terrorism .

  5. 核恐怖主义威胁是非传统安全领域日趋重要的问题。

    The threat of nuclear terrorism is becoming an important issue in the field of non-traditional security .

  6. 将于今日下午开幕的此次峰会,将聚焦于核恐怖主义的严重威胁。

    The summit , which opens this afternoon , is focused on the grave threat of nuclear terrorism .

  7. 今天,我们宣布核恐怖主义是国际安全所面临的最具挑战性的威胁之一。

    Today , we are declaring that nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security .

  8. 当我们开发出获取核能的新的、更加安全的方法时,我们便减少了核恐怖主义和核扩散的风险。

    When we develop new , safer approaches to nuclear energy , we reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism and proliferation .

  9. 并且,最终解决核恐怖主义必须根除产生它的土壤,这需要经济、政治、法律合力为之。

    And the final settlement of nuclear terrorism is to eliminate its soil , which requires economic , political and legal efforts .

  10. 第四个可能发生的灾难是某些可怕事件&例如爆发全球流感或核恐怖主义行动得逞,造成数十万人伤亡。

    A fourth possibility is some terrible event – a global flu pandemic or a successful act of nuclear terrorism , with hundreds of thousands of casualties .

  11. 然而,由于该威胁的紧迫性,还由于哪怕一次核恐怖主义攻击即可导致巨大灾难,我们需要作出既大胆又务实的努力。

    But the urgency of the threat , and the catastrophic consequences of even a single act of nuclear terrorism , demand an effort that is at once bold and pragmatic .

  12. 面对目前的朝鲜核恐怖主义与导弹危机,我们极度匮乏这种自主的情报来源与收集能力。

    In the face of North Korea 's nuclear and missile crisis , terrorism , we are extremely short of it Kind of independent sources of information and the ability to collect .

  13. 在《核恐怖主义》(2004年)这本书里,美国哈佛大学的格雷厄姆.艾利森称,未来十年内美国城市受核武器袭击的概率至少是50%。

    In his2004 book Nuclear Terrorism , Harvard University 's Graham Allison stated that there was at least a50 percent likelihood of a nuclear bomb being detonated in an American city in the next decade .

  14. 我们都清楚这些威胁:气候变化、核扩散、恐怖主义、疾病大流行以及贸易保护主义。

    You know the list : climate change , nuclear proliferation , terrorism , pandemics and trade protectionism .

  15. 但是核武器和恐怖主义等新情况的出现对“受到武力攻击时”才能进行自卫的理论提出了严重的挑战,预防性自卫在这种情况下却是合理的。

    However , the new condition such as the emergence of nuclear weapons and terrorism severely challenges the regulation , under which the anticipatory self-defense appears to be reasonable .

  16. 危险是明显的:利用在伊拉克的帮助下获得的化学和生物武器,也许终有一天还会有核武器,恐怖主义分子可能实现他们昭彰的野心,在我国或其他任何国家,杀害成千上万无辜民众。

    The danger is clear : using chemical , biological or , one day , nuclear weapons , obtained with the help of iraq , the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country , or any other .

  17. 大国争端、海湾地区核战争或者核恐怖主义则会改变游戏格局。

    Conflict between great powers , a nuclear war in the Gulf or nuclear terrorism would be game changers .

  18. 他说,现代的威胁诸如艾滋,核武器扩散,恐怖主义,和环境问题应该把人们聚到一起,而不是把大家分裂。

    He said modern threats such as AIDS , the spread of nuclear weapons , terrorism , and environmental problems should bring people together , not divide them .

  19. 潘基文表示,他去参加会议的目的是试图找到伊朗核问题,叙利亚恐怖主义和危机的解决之道。

    Ban says he 's attending the meeting to try to find a peaceful solution to areas such as Iran 's nuclear ambitions , terrorism and the crisis in Syria .

  20. 我们今天的工作不仅增进了美国的安全,还增进了全人类的安全。在我的总统任期内,防止核扩散和核恐怖主义将始终是我的首要任务之一。

    Our work today not only advances the security of the United States , it advances the security of all mankind , and preventing nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism will remain one of my highest priorities as President .

  21. 尽管如此,克林顿国务卿说,美国应该在诸如伊朗核项目以及支持恐怖主义的问题上和德黑兰当局直接接触,以便确定它到底是愿意成为国际社会中一名负责任的成员还是要继续在孤立的道路上走下去。

    But , she nonetheless said the United States should engage directly with Tehran authorities on issues like Iran 's nuclear program and support for terrorism to determine if it wants to become a responsible member of the world community or continue on a path to further isolation .

  22. 中国重视核安全问题,反对核恐怖主义,采取了有效的核安全措施,保持着良好核安全纪录。

    China attaches great importance to the issue of nuclear security , opposes nuclear terrorism , adopts effective nuclear security measures and maintains a good record in this field .

  23. 在今后两天里,在李明博(Lee)总统的主持下,我们将开展一项紧急工作,通过确保全世界核材料的安全来防止核恐怖主义。

    Over the next two days , under President Lees leadership , well move ahead with the urgent work of preventing nuclear terrorism by securing the worlds nuclear materials .

  24. 秦刚表示,这次核安全峰会将主要讨论核恐怖主义威胁以及各国和国际社会的应对措施。

    The nuclear summit would mainly discuss nuclear terrorism and potential countermeasures , said Mr Qin .

  25. 本周,世界各国领袖一致同意,四年之内保护所有核材料的安全,消除核恐怖主义的可能性。

    World leaders agreed this week to protect all nuclear materials within four years to stop the possibility of nuclear terrorism .

  26. 完善核安全政策举措,发展现代化和低风险的核能技术,坚持核材料供需平衡,加强防扩散出口控制,深化打击核恐怖主义的国际合作,是消除核安全隐患和核扩散风险的直接和有效途径。

    To effectively eliminate risks of nuclear security and nuclear proliferation , the international community should improve relevant policies and measures , and develop modern , low-risk nuclear energy technologies , maintain balanced supply and demand of nuclear materials , strengthen non-proliferation efforts , and promote international cooperation against nuclear terrorism .