
  • 网络non-proliferation;npt;nonproliferation;nuclear nonproliferation
  1. 到1968年,作为国际核不扩散机制基石的《不扩散核武器条约》(NPT)在联合国大会通过,1970年正式生效。

    As the headstone of the international regime of nuclear nonproliferation , NPT was got across in 1968 and began to take effect in 1970 . Besides , the world has also subscribed another series of treaties .

  2. 印度参与了阿富汗战争,也加入了核不扩散协议的事业。

    India is involved in Afghanistan , is joining the cause for nuclear nonproliferation .

  3. 两个国家都是《核不扩散条约》的签约国。

    Both countries are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .

  4. 中国与核不扩散机制(NuclearNon-ProliferationRegime):参与和建构

    China and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime : participation and construction

  5. 我们根本不该在1968年签署《核不扩散条约》(non-proliferationtreaty),那次谈判有失公平。

    We should never have signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968 it was based on an unfair bargain .

  6. 在本周二于纽约召开的联合国(UN)核不扩散会议上,美国将极力宣扬全球零核的理念。

    America will push the idea of " global zero " at the United Nations conference on nuclear non-proliferation that opened in New York yesterday .

  7. 美俄协议还可能会对联合国(un)将于5月份召开的会议产生积极的溢出效应,该会议将会重新审查《核不扩散条约》(nuclearnon-proliferationtreaty)。

    A US-Russia accord could also have a positive spill-over effect on the United Nations Conference in May that will review the nuclear non-proliferation treaty .

  8. 一个脆弱的共识防范着这一令人恐惧的结局,那就是构成《核不扩散条约》(NuclearNon-ProliferationTreaty)的基本条件。

    A fragile consensus stands in the way of this frightening outcome , and that is the basic bargain that shapes the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .

  9. 第二种可能是,伊朗政府将让伊朗退出《核不扩散条约》(nuclearnon-proliferationtreaty),并表示拥有核武器是避免遭受进一步攻击的唯一方式。

    The second is that the regime would take Iran out of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty , arguing nuclear weapons were the only way to avoid further onslaughts .

  10. 截止到目前,NPT共有190个成员国,它是国际军控领域最普遍遵守的条约,也是国际核不扩散机制的基石。

    Until now , it have 190 members , it is the most common treaty in international arms-control field , and also the cornerstone of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime .

  11. 欧盟(EU)和中国发现,无论是大宗商品价格还是汇率,无论是核不扩散还是气候变化,近来在几乎所有经济问题或国际安全问题上,双方的利益无不彼此交织&有时还会发生碰撞。

    Whether it is commodity prices or exchange rates , nuclear non-proliferation or climate change , the European Union and China are discovering that there is virtually no economic topic or international security issue these days on which their interests do not intersect – and sometimes collide .

  12. MTCR的前景是在超越自身的基础上,建立类似于核不扩散机制(NPT)的全球导弹防扩散条约机制。

    The prospect of the MTCR will be the breaking away from its present framework and the building of a Global Missile Nonproliferation Treaty Regime as the NPT .

  13. 该决议旨在为定于明年进行的对《核不扩散条约》(non-proliferationtreaty)的审查铺路,美国及其盟友希望,该条约能够得到加强,以阻止伊朗之类的国家越来越接近获得核武国家地位。

    It is intended to pave the way for the scheduled review next year of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty , which the US and its allies hope can be bolstered to prevent countries such as Iran from coming closer to nuclear weapons status .

  14. 正是因为联邦德国对NPT和国际核不扩散机制的认识发生了改变,它不再将自身的经济利益置于防止核武器扩散的任务之上,成了推动国际核不扩散机制向前发展的重要力量。

    Just because Germany altered its attitudes to NPT and international nuclear non-proliferation regime , it no longer push its economic interests above the nuclear non-proliferation , it became the important actors to promote the international nuclear non-proliferation regime .

  15. 我们希望中国成为国际体系中负责任的利益相关者,而那意味着配合联合国安理会决议,美国核不扩散及武器控制特别顾问罗伯特·埃因霍恩(RobertEinhorn)昨日在访问首尔期间表示。

    We want China to be a responsible stakeholder in the international system and that means co-operating with UN Security Council resolutions , Robert Einhorn , US special adviser for non-proliferation and arms control , said yesterday on a trip to Seoul .

  16. 中国与国际核不扩散机制的一种建构主义分析

    A Constructivist Analysis of China and the World Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime

  17. 由于国际核不扩散机制的局限性,几十年来核扩散仍在继续。

    In recent tens of years the nuclear proliferation is continuing .

  18. 因其宣布退出核不扩散条约。

    When it announces its withdrawal from the nonproliferation treaty .

  19. 核不扩散机制中的国际原子能机构功能研究

    The Function Analysis of International Atomic Energy Agency in the Nonproliferation Regime

  20. 国际法视野下的中国与核不扩散体制

    China & Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime from Perspective of International law

  21. 核不扩散机制面临危机的根由所在

    The Cause of Crisis Confronting Nuclear Non - proliferation Mechanism

  22. 美国在国际核不扩散机制的形成过程中一直起着领导和推动的作用。

    The United States led and promoted the formulization of international nonproliferation regime .

  23. 印度一直没有签署《核不扩散条约》。

    India has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty .

  24. 美国人说那将是核不扩散的净得利。

    That , say the Americans , would be a net gain for non-proliferation .

  25. 小布什政府的核不扩散政策与国际核不扩散的未来

    The Bush 's Administration 's Nuclear Non-proliferation Policy and the Future of International Non-proliferation

  26. 日本核不扩散政策的悖论

    The Paradox of Japan 's Nuclear Non-proliferation Policies

  27. 未来几年将决定核不扩散条约的命运。

    The next few years will determine the fate of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty .

  28. 美国政府核不扩散政策的变化及对国际安全的影响

    The Change of American Nuclear Nonproliferation Policies and its Impact on the International Security

  29. 让印度一只脚踏进核不扩散社区,好过将其排除在外。

    It is better to have India halfway in the non-proliferation community than outside .

  30. 苏联对待核不扩散问题经历了从消极到积极的过程。

    The attitude of Soviet Union towards nuclear non-proliferation had transformed from negative to positive .