
biāo jù
  • gauge length;scale distance
标距[biāo jù]
  1. 室温下CVD&SiC纤维的强度分布服从Weibull分布,Weibull模数随拉伸试样标距的增大而减小。

    Strength of CVD & SiC fiber at room temperature follows Weibull statistics , Weibull shape parameter decreases with rising of gauge length of test sample .

  2. 从引伸计的结构、标距和测量范围、标称量程与输出灵敏度、示值的绝对误差和应变误差等几个方面论述电子万能试验机引伸计的正确配置。

    A correct configuration of extensometer in electronic universal testing machine is discussed as regards of extensometer structure , gauge length and measuring range , nominal measuring scale , output sensibility , absolute error of indicated value as well as strain error in the paper .

  3. 线纹长短不等,且沿轨长度方向呈现断续分布。不同标距下CVD钨芯SiC纤维强度的Weibull分布

    Weibull distribution under different gauge length of CVD-SiC filament with a tungsten core

  4. 为扩大F-P光纤传感头的工作范围,本文提出了用光纤熔接机对非本征F-P光纤传感头标距进行标定的设计方案。

    For broadening the working range of sensor head , the design scheme of scaling the length of F-P optical fiber sensor by fusion splicer is offered .

  5. 根据试验结果,得出了标距为试件全长(300mm)时测得的弹性模量较为符合实际的结论。

    The conclusion is that the elastic modulus of plastic concrete is more accordant with the real condition if the full length of the specimen ( 300mm ) is adopted as the standard distance .

  6. 金属材料不同标距延伸率换算分析

    Analysis on conversion of elongation in different standard distance of metallic material

  7. 钢筋等间距标距与套叠标距刻痕的共点标记

    Common mark of equi-distance scale and double scale in bar

  8. 通过等宽试样和标距试样拉伸实验,对理论分析结果进行了验证。

    Force and deformation of ring specimen during hoop tension test were analyzed .

  9. 一种预张拉大标距光纤光栅应变传感器的研究

    Research on one kind of long sensing gauge fiber Bragg grating sensor with pretension

  10. 断后标距的重量法测定

    DETERMINATION OF THE FINAL GAUGE LENGTH WITH WEIGHT METHOD The Determination of the Batting Pionts and Distances

  11. 由试样长度与标距不一致产生的测量偏差,可通过补偿值加以修正,其测量精度与常规测量方法基本相同。

    The error created by sample ′ s length and the gage length , is modified with a complementary value .

  12. 定向低频分析与测距浮标标距长度和试样在直径减少处的横截面面积之间有固定的关系。

    There is a fixed relationship between the gauge length and the cross-sectional area of the test-piece at the reduced diameter .

  13. 断后标距的重量法测定测速靶距分析与计算

    DETERMINATION OF THE FINAL GAUGE LENGTH WITH WEIGHT METHOD The Analysis and Calculation of The Distance Between The Sensors in Measuring Velocity

  14. 通过试验得到不同标距对橡胶集料塑性混凝土弹性模量的影响规律,探讨了影响塑性混凝土弹性模量的主要因素,得出了橡胶集料塑性混凝土弹性模量的预测公式。

    Draw influence law of rubber aggregate plastic concrete elastic modulus through test in different gauge . Research the main factors of affecting rubber aggregate plastic concrete elastic modulus .

  15. 提出由中心点间距和中心连线角度构建的距离判距,解决了中心点位置关系的识别问题,进而计算出标距长度。

    The length of the gauge can be calculated after the relationship of the centers is recognized by giving a distance criterion with angle and length of two experiment points .

  16. 在试验的基础上分析了塑性混凝土弹性模量采用不同标距的两种测试方法,得出了测试塑性混凝土弹性模量较为理想的方法。

    On the base of tests , two kinds of measuring methods adopting different standard distance of the elastic modulus of plastic concrete have been analyzed and a more reasonable method has been found .

  17. 因此,进行应变测量时,应用常规的杠杆引伸仪,受到安装方式和测量标距等条件的限制,往往只能测量轴向一定范围内的平均应变。

    So , in the process of strain-measuring , when we apply the normal lever extension meter , it is confined by conditions , such as the install pattern , measurement standard and so on .

  18. 根据试样初始标距长度、试验机横梁移动速度、试样真实恒应变速率和时间的理论关系式,设计了改进的控制系统。

    The authors designed a kind of improved control system based on the theoretical relation among the initial gauge length of sample , travel rate of testing machine transom , time and sample 's real constant-strain rate .

  19. 实验结果表明:拉伸青铜石墨不出现缩颈,而在标距范围内出现许多裂纹,试样的伸长是塑性变形和裂纹叠加的结果;

    The results show that there is no necking phenomenon while fractures are fromed on the surface of samples during tensile tests , and that the elongation of samples results from the combination of plastic deformation and fractures .

  20. ARPA符号包括包括固定距标圈、活动距标圈、电子方位线、警戒圈、船首线、PI线、已录取目标的矢量线以及历史航迹(或PAD)、试操船符号等。

    ARPA marks consist of fixed range marker , variable range marker , electronic bearing line , guard zone , heading-line , parallel index ( 4 navigation lines ), vector lines ( or PAD ) and past track information of tracked target ships , marks of trial manoeuvres , ect .

  21. 通过正确选择(或改进)测试设备和使用高精度刻标机或精确测量原始标距等手段,即可实现冷轧扭钢筋的正确检测。

    By selecting test equipment and using high precision scaling device or precisely measuring the primary scale , an accurate testing of cold-rolled and twisted steel bar may be realized .