
  • 网络javelin thrower
  1. 采用高速摄像、录像解析及比较分析方法,对我国优秀标枪运动员陈奇投掷步相关运动学参数进行比较分析。

    By using the methods of high-speed photograph , photographic analysis and comparative analysis , it made a comparative analysis of the kinetic parameters related to the throwing steps of CHEN Qi , first-class javelin thrower of our country .

  2. Fuzzy综合评判在标枪运动员等级判别中的应用

    Application of FCE ( Fuzzy Compreh è nsion Evaluation ) in Grading Javelin Throwers

  3. 采用澳大利亚KEYLINK公司生产的FAST-TWITCH等动肌力测试系统,用等速向心收缩形式测试标枪运动员肩、肘、髋关节屈伸肌群的特性。

    Using FAST-TWITCH isokinetic test system made in KEYLINK of Australia , the author tested the characteristic of shoulder , elbow , and hip joint by means of concentric contraction .

  4. 对大学生标枪运动员投掷步合理跑速系数值的研究

    A study on reasonable throwing pace coefficient of college javelin throwers

  5. 我国健将级女子标枪运动员运动损伤非技术性因素的调查分析

    Study on Non-technical Injury Factors of Chinese Elite Female Javelin Throwers

  6. 大学生标枪运动员专项训练水平指标体系建立的初步研究

    Study on specific training target system established for college Javelin Throwers

  7. 论青少年标枪运动员综合能力的发展

    The Training of the Comprehensive Competence of Adolescent Javelin Athletes

  8. 浅析标枪运动员的爆发力训练手段与方法

    Ways and Means on Improving Javelin Athletes ' Explosive Force

  9. 对我国优秀标枪运动员投掷步技术的力学解析

    Biomechanical analysis of throwing step of Chinese top javelin athletes

  10. 我国优秀标枪运动员投掷步技术分析

    An Analysis of Crossover Step of Chinese Top Javelin Throwers

  11. 浅谈标枪运动员爆发力的训练

    A Research about the Explosive Power of Javelin Athletes

  12. 标枪运动员肘关节损伤的机理及预防

    Theory and prevention of the lesion of javelin throw athletes ' elbow joints

  13. 对普通高校标枪运动员助跑节奏的研究

    The Study of Run up Rhythm of College Athletes

  14. 标枪运动员投掷臂肩关节旋转肌力特性探讨

    Exploration of Shoulder Rotation Characteristics in Athlete of Javelin

  15. 少年儿童标枪运动员的基础训练

    Basic Training of Juvenile Players in Javelin Throwing

  16. 我国高水平标枪运动员竞赛焦虑及调控手段的研究

    The Research on Competitive Anxiety and Regulatory Methods of Chinese Elite Javelin Throw Athletes

  17. 标枪运动员爆发力发展的训练手段的优化与应用研究

    A Study of Training Ways and Application on Improving Javelin Throwers ' Power Strength

  18. 影响优秀男子标枪运动员标枪出手时状态的各因素分析

    A Quantified Analysis of Factors Which Influence Excellent Men Athlete Performance in Javelin Throw

  19. 优秀标枪运动员林东投掷动作速度的训练探讨

    Discussion About the Casting Speed Training of the Excellent Javelin Athlete About Lin Dong

  20. 不同等级女子标枪运动员身体素质发展水平的检查与评定

    Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Fitness Development of Female Javelin Athletes in Different Grades

  21. 少年男子标枪运动员的选材

    On the Selection of Juvenile Javelin Athletes

  22. 对少年标枪运动员力量训练方法的研究

    Training on the Strength of Javelin Throwers

  23. 优秀男子标枪运动员助跑速度与投掷成绩关系的研究

    Study of Relationship between Approaching Velocity and Distance Thrown of the Elite Men Javelin Throwers

  24. 女标枪运动员赵玉红的训练

    Training of Woman Javelin Player Zhao Yuhong

  25. 最后用力阶段髋的稳定性对标枪运动员出手初速度的影响

    Effects of stability of hip in the final exertion on the throwing speed of javelin throwers

  26. 标枪运动员专项力量训练探讨

    Strength Training Research Of Javelin Throwers

  27. 浅谈大学生标枪运动员的业余训练

    Spare-time Training of College Javelin Athletes

  28. 这一系统使得标枪运动员选材工作量大大减少,过程得以简化。

    This system reduces the working quantity a lot for the Javelin athletes and simplifies the procedure .

  29. 标枪运动员的选材

    The Selection of Javelin Athlete

  30. 女子标枪运动员最后用力阶段标枪出手瞬间左膝关节运动损伤的生物力学数据分析

    Biomechanics analysis on sports injury of the left knee joint at finally forcibly phase of female javelin throwers