
  • normal star
  1. 恒星“遗体”的引力场强大到将正常恒星的气体剥离。

    The gravitational field of the stellar corpse is so strong that it rips gas from the normal star .

  2. 与非活动的正常恒星相比,表面被黑子覆盖的活动星有更蓝的B-V颜色,它们的LiIλ6708(?)

    In comparison with inactive normal stars with the same effective temperature , in general , the active stars covered by spots are more blue in B-V colours and their equivalent widths of Li I 6708 (?)

  3. 正常恒星的演化模型计算

    The computation of the evolution model of normal stars

  4. 然而,当一个黑洞穿过一片星云,或者靠近另一个正常恒星时,黑洞将会使它自身的物质增加。

    However , if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter , or is close to another " normal " star , the black hole can accrete matter into itself .

  5. 这项最新研究观点使科学家们置疑是否虫洞可能存在于不同的普通恒星和中子星。比如:那些正常的恒星和中子星。

    This idea led the scientists to wonder if wormholes might exist in otherwise ordinary stars and neutron stars .

  6. 对正常星系和恒星两类光谱数据进行实验,结果表明,覆盖算法具有较好的鲁棒性、较高的分类正确率。

    The experiment results show that the cover algorithm has good robustness and high classifying accuracy over Normal Galaxies and stars datasets .