
kū ɡān
  • withered;dried-up;wizened
枯干 [kū gān]
  • (1) [withered]∶干枯

  • 枯干的树枝

  • (2) [haggard]∶枯槁

  • 枯干的面庞

  1. 你所咒诅的无花果树,已经枯干了。

    The fig tree you cursed has withered !

  2. 谷种在土块底下朽烂,仓库荒凉,谷仓破烂被拆毁,因为五谷都枯干了。

    The seed is rotten under their clods , the garners are laid desolate , the barns are broken down ; for the corn is withered .

  3. 寒风使树叶枯干。

    A cold wind sears the leaves .

  4. ,他的妻子是个瘦小枯干、面目可憎的女人。

    His wife , a short , thin woman to see .

  5. 葡萄树枯干,无花果树衰残;

    The vine is dried up , and the fig tree languisheth ;

  6. 和心泉枯干的人一同分享你的泪水。

    Share your tears with those who have forgotten how to cry .

  7. 这块地有雨,那块地无雨,无雨的就枯干了。

    One field had rain ; another had none and dried up .

  8. 或许在你试探性地写上几个字后它就会枯干,

    It might run dry after the first few tentative words

  9. 你要惊动被风吹的叶子吗?要追赶枯干的碎秸吗?

    Will you torment a windblown leaf ? Will you chase after dry chaff ?

  10. 早在考古学家到来前几个世纪,已腐烂、枯干。

    Had decayed many centuries before archaeologists arrived .

  11. 那年夏天闹旱灾,农村一片焦黄枯干。

    That summer there was a drought and the countryside was parched and brown .

  12. 这个人的脸因为枯干削瘦而变得十分丑陋。

    The face was ugly with exhaustion .

  13. 这条溪流永不会枯干。

    This stream will never run dry .

  14. 他砍掉一根枯干的树枝。

    He cut away a dead branch .

  15. 4这地悲哀,遍野的青草枯干,要到几时呢?

    How long will the land mourn And the grass of every field dry up ?

  16. 这块水域将逐渐枯干。

    This watershed is dried up .

  17. “她说我瘦小枯干,还长着雀斑和红头发。这也太刻薄了!”

    She said I was thin and freckled and red-haired . It was very unkind ! '

  18. 因为你们必如叶子枯干的橡树,好像无水浇灌的园子。

    You will be like an oak with fading leaves , like a garden without water .

  19. 夏天过去了,天气慢慢转凉,空中飘满枯干的黄叶。

    Summer passed and the days got colder . The air was filled with dried orange leaves .

  20. 下边,他的根本要枯干。上边,他的枝子要剪除。

    Under the earth his roots are dry , and over it his branch is cut off .

  21. 我的枯干的心田复活了,我的痛苦减轻了,我的艰苦和挣扎过去了。

    My arid heart revived ; my affliction is lightened ; my strait and struggle are gone .

  22. 草必枯干,花必凋谢,惟有主的道永存。

    The grass withers , and the flower falls , but the word of the Lord abides for ever .

  23. GB/T3292-1997纺织品纱条条干不匀试验方法电容法这条溪流永不会枯干。

    Textiles Testing method for unevenness of textile strands Using capacitance testing equipment This stream will never run dry .

  24. 早晨,他们从那里经过,看见无花果树连根都枯干了。

    20In the morning , as they went along , they saw the fig tree withered from the roots .

  25. 有落在磐石上的,一出来就枯干了,因为得不着滋润。

    Some fell on rock , and when it came up , the plants withered because they had no moisture .

  26. 我们都像叶子渐渐枯干。我们的罪孽好像风把我们吹去。

    Truly you were angry , and we went on doing evil , and sinning against you in the past .

  27. 王向神人所伸的手就枯干了,不能弯回。

    But the hand he stretched out toward the man shriveled up , so that he could not pull it back .

  28. 曾经是如此迷人的路旁如今却铺着黑黑的枯干的草木,仿佛是被一场大火烧过一般。

    The roadsides , once so attractive , were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire .

  29. 缺乏盼望的内心,会枯干雕谢;但充满盼望的内心,却会茁壮和健康地生活。

    Without hope , the heart can wither and die , but the heart that has abundant hope thrives and lives healthfully .

  30. 看看这片草地已经枯干,我们做什么才能保持健康?

    Now , looking at this grassland of ours that has gone dry , what could we do to keep that healthy ?