
  • 网络pavilion bridge;the Five-Pavilion Bridge
  1. 哎,这是观云亭桥吧?

    Eh , is it the Guanyunting Bridge ?

  2. 五里亭立交桥设计及存在的问题

    Design and existing problems of Wu Li Ting interchange

  3. 结合上海安亭立交桥的实际工程项目,简要叙述了大跨度钢梁采用变坡拖拉的理论依据与施工技术。拖拉机艰难地向山坡上爬去。

    This paper tries to interpret the academic basis and technical working of long-width steel beam with variable slope tag , referring to the engineering project of the Anting Viaduct in Shanghai . The tractor laboured up the hillside .

  4. 为了留住财气,除了选择好水口位置外,还必须建筑亭、台、桥、榭等物来镇锁。

    Besides water gaps , they also built pavilions , bridges to retain their fortune .

  5. 舣舟亭、晚步桥等等。

    Yizhou Pavilion and Wanbu Bridge .

  6. 鸽子,黄色电话亭,站在桥上凝望的水手这些人造景观形成了这个小镇的独特风格。

    Instead , the town features such sights as a pair of petrified pigeons , yellow phone booths , and a statue of a sea dog gazing from a bridge .