
  • Fruit tree seedlings;【农】fruit nursery stock
  1. 血清法检测常因抗血清制备难度大而价格昂贵。因此,为满足果树苗木检疫和无毒化生产的需要,摸索一种准确、灵敏、快速、简便的检测方法十分必要。

    Viruses free production of fruit crops demand a virus detection method which is nicety , sensitive , brief and rapid .

  2. 现在,全国农作物种植业、畜牧业、以及果树苗木繁育基地,也已经成为我国农林业产学研重要基地。

    Now , it has become one of the national bases of crop farming , livestock raising , and fruit tree seedlings breeding and culture as well .