
  • 网络occurrence quantity;reproduction quantity
  1. 马尾松毛虫发生量空间定点预报模型的研究

    Study on Space Fixed-point Prediction Model of Dendrolimus Punctatus Walker 's Occurrence Quantity

  2. 标记释放回捕技术在马尾松毛虫发生量预测中的应用

    Use of mark-release-recapture methods in the forecast of the occurrence quantity of Dendrolimus punctatus

  3. 用AR(P)动态模型预测高炉煤气发生量

    The prediction of blast furnace gas by ar ( p ) dynamic model

  4. 提出采用多桥叠加结构的交流控制器抑制大容量PWM移相器的自身谐波发生量、降低装置开关频率及开关损耗;

    Proposes a new multi bridge AC controller to restrict the harmonics generated by PWM phase shifter , and reduce switching frequency and loss .

  5. 本文对副产煤气发生量预测时运用因子分析法进行处理,其预测效果比时间序列、回归分析、神经网络、GM(1,n)等预测方法的预测效果更好。

    Results of factor analysis used to predict the byproduct coal gas occurrence in this paper are better than neural network forecast , GM ( 1 , n ) prediction and actual production data .

  6. 麦田杂草种群、小麦蚜虫发生量、大型土壤动物数量、小麦受条锈病伤害程度随UV-B的增加而减少;

    Increased UV-B radiation can reduce weed number , aphid number , and animal number in soil , rust illness degree in wheatfield .

  7. 为准确掌握松毛虫种群基数,做好预测预报,作者应用距平符号法,利用前4a气象因子与松毛虫发生量的关系,进行了松毛虫动态预测,准确率100%。

    So anomalous sign was used in the forecast of pine caterpillars ' dynamics with the weather data in the last 4 years . The accuracy was 100 % .

  8. 研究了广州到珠海高速公路交通量预测,重点探论了出行发生量预测、OD交通量预测与交通量分配所用方法。

    In this paper , the total process of Guangzhou Zhuhai expressway traffic volume forecast is introduced and the method of forecasting trip product , OD and traffic distribution is mainly proposed .

  9. 研究了蔗渣浆木聚糖酶促漂白中酶处理条件和漂白工艺对漂白废水可吸附有机卤化物(AOX)发生量的影响。

    The effect of xylanase pretreatment conditions and bleaching technologies on production of AOX in bagasse kraft pulp bleaching effluent was studied .

  10. 同时利他行为的发生量与个体的行为能力(预算约束)和敌友指数正相关,与利他行为的价格pa和利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The author also pointed out the amount of altruism is positive interrelated to the individual behavioral capability and friendship index , and negative interrelated to altruistic price and the amount of egoism .

  11. 研究表明,(1)杨树CTMP废液及废水污染发生量约为化学浆的1/6&1/10;

    Results showed that : ( 1 ) The amount of pollutants of CTMP effluents is only 1 / 6-1 / 10 of the effluents of chemical pulp .

  12. 本文提出了基于改进BP网络的高炉煤气发生量的预测模型,准确预测高炉煤气发生量的变化趋势,该预测模型已经成功应用到杭钢煤气调度系统中。

    A forecasting model of blast furnace gas output based on improved BP network is proposed , which could forecast the trends of blast furnace gas output accurately and has been successfully applied in the gas scheduling system of Hangzhou Iron & Steel Group Company of China .

  13. 现存资源量评估结果为2.51×104t,7.12×108尾,资源发生量处于历史较高水平,但种群处于严重补充型捕捞过度。

    The evaluation of the extant abundance was 2.51 × 10 4 tons , that is about 7.12 × 10 8 individuals . The abundance of resource was in a higher level , but the population was supplementing pattern in serious overfishing .

  14. 影响芦苇钻心虫发生量的主要因素是天敌。

    Key factors on influencing amount of occuring are natural enemies .

  15. 应用马尔科夫链预测杨树天牛发生量

    Forecasting the damage area of Poplar Longicorn Beetles with Markov chain

  16. 冀南二代棉铃虫发生量的预测

    Genesis Forecasting of Second Generation of Bollworm in South Hebei

  17. 预测块茎发生量的线性回归方程式:(?)

    The equation of linear regression for predicting its tuber is : (?)

  18. 工业污泥发生量估算方法的探讨

    Approach on the Method for Estimating Amount of Industrial Sludge

  19. 马尾松毛虫发生量时空回归预测的研究

    Study of Space-time Regression Prediction on Occurrence Quantity of Dendrolimus punctatus Walker

  20. 树冠体积与赤松毛虫发生量的关系

    Relation between tree crown volume and permissible amount of Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler occured

  21. 基于广义时空回归的马尾松毛虫空间发生量预报

    Forecast of space occurrence amount of Dendrolimus punctatus based on generalized space regression

  22. 利用回归方程对沼气发生量的预测

    Predict the Methane Output by Establishing the Regressive Equation

  23. 大豆食心虫发生量预测预报研究

    Study on occurrence predication of soybean pod borer

  24. 杨树天牛发生量预测

    Prediction of Occurring Number of Poplar Longicorn

  25. 根据品种感病系数和带毒介体数量预测水稻条纹叶枯病的发生量

    The quantitative forecast of rice stripe disease with varietal infection coefficient and infectious vector number

  26. 北京市带固体废物发生量约束的产业结构优化模型研究

    Research on the optimum model of industrial structure subject to the solid-waste quantity in Beijing

  27. 玉米螟发生量预测预报技术的研究

    A study on the technique for predicting and forecasting the population levels of corn borer

  28. 小麦赤霉病发生量预测预报

    The Forecast of Gibberellin Disease of Wheat

  29. 钢铁企业煤气发生量经常出现供需之间的不平衡,它的解决途径是发展煤气的缓冲用户。

    There often exists unbalance between supply and demand for gas in Iron & Steel enterprises .

  30. 豫北棉区苗蚜发生量预测预报的研究

    A Predicting Research on the mumber of Seedling Cotton Aphids in the North of Henan Province