
gòu cí
  • word-formation;word-building;form a word
构词 [gòu cí]
  • [form a word] 语素和语素结合组成词

构词[gòu cí]
  1. 本文主要以AA式重叠式名词为研究重点,从语音特点、构词特点、语义特点、语法功能四个方面比较祁县方言重叠式名词与普通话的不同,总结得出祁县方言重叠式名词自身的特征。

    What make AA Type unique are its four characteristics of pronunciation , word-building , semantic and grammar function , which are different from the mandarin . From the comparison , the characteristics of the reduplication patterns of nouns are distinct .

  2. 本文主要利用构词模式来解决这一问题。

    The word-building mode is used for this .

  3. 在诸如‘六便士的蛋糕’的表达中,‘penny’是一个构词成分。

    ` penny ' is a combining form in such expressions as ` sixpenny cakes ' .

  4. 本文研究重点是非常规VO式复合动词的语义类型和构词理据。

    The main emphasis in this study is the semantic types and formation mechanism of Unconventional VO-type compound verb .

  5. 本文认为,后缀化的构词能力很强,它与绝大多数的实词和词组组合后构成的X化是一种语法意义上临时组合的语法词。

    This article thought suffix " X " the construction word ability is very strong , after it constitutes the overwhelming majority full word and the phrase combination " X " is in one kind of grammatical meaning the temporary combination grammar word .

  6. (通常接with或者用作构词成分)大量充满。Hedgehog通路对成骨细胞增殖和分化的作用

    ( usually followed by ` with ' or used as a combining form ) generously supplied with . Hedgehog pathway is associated with the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts

  7. 用心理语言学中关于心理词典的激活扩散原理,评论学习型词典《建宏e世代英汉辞典》利用字辨、字源、构词、联想及参考等专栏,有效帮助读者增强词汇记忆方面的特色。

    Based on the spreading activation theory with respect to psycholinguistics , some comments are made on the learning-enhancing dictionary 's functions in word distinction , word origin , word formation , word associations and references , etc , which can effectively enlarge readers ' vocabulary .

  8. 由于蒙古语属于黏着语,它的构词和构形都是以词根、词干上连接不同的词缀来完成的,从句子的基本语序看,属于SOV(主宾谓)型语言。

    From the view of the basic word order sentences , Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .

  9. 计算机信息技术行业是现代英语新词产生频率最高、数量最多的地方,其中重要渠道之一是通过缩短类构词法生成的,该类构词法在ICT英语词汇中发挥了特殊的作用。

    Shortening word-formation is one of the most important sources for neologism in modern English , especially for those derived from computer and ICT industry , which also plays a prominent and special role in producing ICT English words .

  10. 本文叙述了CDWS的设计思想,并提出了词尾字构词检错技术及若干有效的纠错知识。

    The article introduces the design thought of CDWS and proposes the checking error technique of suffix character word-building and some effective correcting knowledge .

  11. 在HSK词表大纲中,有一类像熊猫雪花人参地球红领巾骨肉等通过修辞手法构词的词语。对于这类词语的研究,学术界已经发表了不少的文章。

    In the outline of HSK Vocabulary , there is a kind of words like Panda , snow , ginseng , earth , red scarf and so an , they are made up of rhetoric word-formation . academic interests have published many articles with regard to the issue .

  12. 汉语信息处理中单字的构词方式与合成词的识别和理解

    Word Formation and the Recognition of Compounds in Chinese Language Understanding

  13. 当代英语词汇发展的原因及构词特点

    Reasons for the development of modern English vocabulary and its characteristics

  14. 论转化构词法实现自动化下变频接收的方案研究

    The research on the ways of automatic down - conversion receiving

  15. 基于语料库的英语否定前缀构词能力对比研究

    A Corpus-based Study of Morphological Productivity of Negative Prefixes in English

  16. 英语新闻词汇构词法浅析

    On the Brief Analysis of the Formations of English News vocabularies

  17. 论转化构词法高校后勤社会化中后勤管理干部的角色定位和角色转换

    Role Orientation and Conversion in Process of Rear - Service Socialization

  18. 类词缀作为一种构词成分大批量在汉语中涌现。

    Semi-affix emergence in Chinese as a combining form in substantially .

  19. 动语素的构词能力是受多方面的因素影响的。

    Many factors affect the word formation abilities of verbal morphemes .

  20. 构词词缀是维吾尔语词法的重要部分。

    Word-forming suffixes are important parts of morphology in Uyghur language .

  21. 土家语构词的文化意义初探

    On the Cultural Connotation in Tujia Language 's Word Building

  22. 汉俄形态构词对比研究

    Comparative studies between the affixation systems of Chinese and Russian

  23. 词缀研究属于构词法研究的范畴。

    Affix research belongs to the category of word-formation research .

  24. 现代汉语外来词的构词理据

    The Theoretical Reasons of the Word-formation of Loanwords in Modern Chinese Language

  25. 基于数据库的新造词语的构词法研究

    Researches on word-formation of New word Based on The Corpus

  26. 现代汉蒙语言构词法比较研究

    Comparison Studies of Word-Formation of Modern Chinese and Modern Mongolian

  27. 性别歧视在英汉构词中的隐含体现

    The Implied Reflections of Sexism in English and Chinese Morphology

  28. 从构词法看英语词汇发展趋势

    On Development Tendency of English Vocabulary In Terms of Word-formation

  29. 由字构词&中文分词新方法

    Character-Based Tagging : A New Method for Chinese Word Segmentation

  30. 现代汉语根字构词量刍议

    Analysis of Root-gram Word Formation Quantity in Modern Chinese Language