
  • 网络Soft soil;mollisol;loose-soft soil
  1. 秦沈客运专线的工程地质问题&软土、松软土

    The engineering geological problems for qinhuangdao-shen-yang special passenger dedicated railway line is soft soil and loose-soft soil

  2. CFG桩加固客运专线松软土路基成桩试验研究

    Test research on intensifying soft soil road foundation pile of passenger dedicated line with CFG pile

  3. 对于土体分类不应增加松软土的定名。

    The running soil should not be a type of soil in the soil classification system .

  4. 研究结论:运用软土及松软土路基工后沉降控制技术,能够对路基工后沉降和沉降速率进行精确控制。

    Research conclusions : We can control the settlement after construction and ground decline velocity by adopting the control technique of the settlement after construction in soft soil zone .

  5. 研究方法:结合秦沈客运专线路基工后沉降控制情况,详细分析并确定了适合客运专线软土及松软土路基的设计计算基本程序;

    Research methods : Combined with the circumstance of the settlement control after construction of Qinhuangdao-Shenyang passenger dedicated railway line , the basic design and compute procedures for loose soft soil roadbed are analysed detailedly and confirmed in this paper .

  6. 研究目的:本文对软土及松软土路基工后沉降控制技术进行探讨和总结,为今后修建类似铁路提供参考和经验。

    Research purposes : This paper discusses and sums up the technique to control the settlement after construction and it provides the experience of building passenger dedicated railway line in soft soil zone for railway construction in similar region in the future .

  7. 马蹄深深地陷进了松软的土里。

    The horses ' hooves bit deep into the soft earth .

  8. 松软岩土巷道塑性破坏效应分析

    Analysis on Plastic Failure Effect of Soft Rock Roadway

  9. 那台压路机把松软的土碾平了。

    The road roller crushed the soft dirt .

  10. 水泥粉体深层喷射搅拌桩与干振碎石桩〔1〕、干振灰土桩等一样,也是处理松软地基土的一种有效方法。

    The deep cement powder jetted agitating pile is an effective tool to processed the soft earth as the dry vibrating spall pile and dry vibrating powder earth pile .

  11. 他回去时,新墓碑已经安放到位,他在教堂墓地连续干了几个小时,把那些花苗栽到她坟上松软的土里。

    The new gravestone was already in place , and he worked solidly for several hours in the churchyard , putting the plants carefully into the soft earth of her grave .

  12. 洪水冲洗掉地表附近松软的风化土,最终到达了岩床,哥伦比亚高原上坚硬的火山岩。

    The waters scoured off the soft , windblown soil near the surface and eventually reached bedrock , the hardened lava of the Columbia Plateau .