- 名【地名】【日本】Matsushima

They go to Ascension Island to nest - females crawling ashore1 to lay their eggs in the sand .
This is the most popular , do you want it ?
The principle here is co-ordination rather than , as in Masdar and Songdo , prescription .
the new information technologies are now helping them , in a very different way to Masdar and Songdo .
You might come up with Masdar , in the United Arab Emirates , or Songdo , in South Korea .
On Ascension Island , in the South Atlantic , cats were deliberately introduced to eat the accidentally introduced rats .
It must come as the Solar System moves into the higher vibrations as part of the Ascension of the Universe .
Within the master plan of the New Songdo City urban center , HOK is also design architect for four separate mixed-use projects .
But in Songdo , lacking that principle of diversity within the block , there is nothing to be learned from walking the streets .
These are two versions of the stupefying smart city : Masdar the more famous , or infamous ; Songdo the more fascinating in a perverse way .
It 's the problem of seeing the moon as a kind of Ascension Island , midway between human colonies that might some day trade with one another .
But a city is not a machine ; as in Masdar and Songdo , this version of the city can deaden and stupefy the people who live in its all-efficient embrace .
In the past people survived thanks to the complex tissues of local life ; the new information technologies are now helping them , in a very different way to Masdar and Songdo .
Songdo represents the stupefying smart city in its architectural aspect - massive , clean , efficient housing blocks rising up in the shadow of South Korea 's western mountains , like an inflated 1960s British housing estate - but now heat , security , parking and deliveries are all controlled by a central Songdo " brain . "