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jié chū
  • outstanding;distinguished;excellence;prominent;remarkable;distinction
杰出 [jié chū]
  • [outstanding] 有出众的才能、成就(杰出的战士)

杰出[jié chū]
  1. 这些成果进一步证明了他的杰出才干。

    These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability .

  2. 他被公认为杰出的物理学家。

    He 's known to be an outstanding physicist .

  3. 他被称为世界上最杰出的小提琴家。

    He has been described as the world 's greatest violinist .

  4. 在古典音乐领域,他仍然是最为杰出的。

    In the field of classical music , he still reigns supreme .

  5. 那位作曲家是许多造访过这个城市的杰出人物之一。

    The composer was one of many illustrious visitors to the town .

  6. 这幅油画将成为对一位杰出女性的永久纪念。

    The painting will be a lasting memorial to a remarkable woman .

  7. 没有什么政敌的杰出从政者是罕见的。

    It is rare to find a prominent politician with few political enemies .

  8. 化学是19世纪初期最杰出的实验室科学。

    Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century .

  9. 她是位非常杰出的女性。

    She was a truly extraordinary woman .

  10. 如果她专心致志,坚持到底,她本可以成为一名杰出的钢琴家。

    She could have been a brilliant pianist if she 'd put her mind to it .

  11. 10年来,“X”乐队一直都是洛杉矶最杰出的朋克乐队。

    For a decade ' X ' was the pre-eminent punk band in Los Angeles .

  12. 接着,他又作为1962年度杰出业余运动员赢得了“詹姆斯·E.沙利文纪念奖”。

    He went on to win the James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy as the outstanding amateur athlete of 1962 .

  13. 他是位杰出的记者,为人也非常正派。

    He was an excellent journalist and a very fine man .

  14. 凭着对时装业的杰出贡献,他于1990年荣获英帝国官佐勋衔。

    He was awarded the OBE in 1990 for services to fashion .

  15. 他也是自由贸易杰出的倡导宣传者。

    He was also a brilliant propagandist for free trade .

  16. 请看这座萨卢斯蒂奥·班迪尼的雕像,他是一位杰出的锡耶纳人。

    Note the statue to Sallustio Bandini , a prominent Sienese

  17. 提倡追求杰出难免被指责为宣扬精英论。

    It became difficult to promote excellence without being accused of elitism .

  18. 帕特里克·德夫林是一位杰出的法官和出色的法律专家。

    Patrick Devlin was an outstanding judge and brilliant jurist .

  19. 19世纪60年代的一些杰出镇民

    some of the prominent townsfolk of the 1860s .

  20. 在接下来的几年里,他作为一名宪法研究领域最杰出的学者而声名远扬。

    Over the next few years he distinguished himself as a leading constitutional scholar

  21. 他灵巧的动手能力和杰出的空间识别能力都浪费在日常事务上了。

    His manual dexterity and fine spatial skills were wasted on routine tasks .

  22. 他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。

    He was one of the world 's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture

  23. 他在现代英国政坛上一直是位杰出的人物。

    He remains a towering figure in modern British politics

  24. 我们雇用了一个公认的杰出工程师。

    We engaged the services of a recognised engineer

  25. 长期以来,戴维·马梅特一直被视为同代人中最杰出的美国剧作家。

    David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation .

  26. 詹姆斯爵士是一位非常杰出的建筑师,处于其专业领域的前沿位置。

    Sir James was an immensely distinguished architect in the vanguard of his profession .

  27. 仅凭旋律优美并不见得就是一首杰出的音乐作品。

    Just because it has a good tune does not mean it is great music

  28. 这幅恢宏画作出自一位19世纪最杰出的画家之手。

    This is a great drawing by one of the 19th century 's finest draughtsmen .

  29. 我们一定不能小瞧了她所取得的杰出成就。

    We mustn 't belittle her outstanding achievement

  30. 显然,我们永远无法得到我们想要的那种杰出人才。

    It became apparent that we could never get the calibre of people we wanted .