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lǎo liàn
  • sophisticated;seasoned;experienced;skillful;tactful;gumption;hard-boiled;know one's way around
老练 [lǎo liàn]
  • [experienced; skillful; seasoned; hard-boiled] 阅历深、经验丰富的

  • 她办事很老练

老练[lǎo liàn]
  1. 将冗余数据添加到XML文档的想法对于老练的关系数据库管理员来说是不可思议的。

    The thought of adding redundant data to an XML document is heresy to a seasoned relational database administrator .

  2. 第一季度国内生产总值(GDP)修正数据将于明日公布,预计该数据将显示,经济仍处于疲弱状态。过去几个月,股市经历了一轮反弹,即便是老练的投资者也摸不着头脑。

    While revised gross domestic product figures for the January-March quarter , to be unveiled tomorrow , are expected to show the economy remained anaemic , in the past few months the stock market has enjoyed a rally that has even seasoned investors scratching their heads .

  3. 他在海外工作了一段时间,却没有变得老练。

    A period spent working abroad had done nothing to mellow him .

  4. 她才18岁,但已成了老练的作曲家。

    She 's only 18 but she 's already a practised composer .

  5. 她很年轻,还不太老练。

    She 's very young and not very experienced .

  6. 解决这个争端需要十分老练和娴熟的外交手腕。

    Settling the dispute required great tact and diplomacy .

  7. 随着年龄的增长,父亲当然是更老练了。

    Dad 's certainly grown mellower with age .

  8. 他给人的印象是有头脑、老练,很会讨人喜欢。

    He comes across as an intelligent , sophisticated , charmer .

  9. 他们在作弊,但因为手法老练没有被发现。

    They are cheating but are sophisticated enough to avoid detection .

  10. 尤尔听了他们老练的、连珠炮似的一番谈话。

    Yul listened to their sophisticated , rapid-fire conversation .

  11. 他在这些事情上不太老练。

    He is a little unworldly about such matters .

  12. 她通常沉着而老练。

    She is usually a calm and diplomatic woman

  13. 这位演讲者风度老练,从容不迫。

    The speaker was an experienced man , composed and steady .

  14. 我是个老练的人,你骗不了我。

    You can 't fool me ; I wasn 't born yesterday .

  15. 他办事很老练。

    He is experienced and works with a sure hand .

  16. 他们很老练,不上这种当。

    They are too knowing to bite at such a bait .

  17. 他虽然才二十出头,却显得成熟老练。

    Though in his early twenties , he appears very sophisticated .

  18. 他老练得很,不会轻易上当的。

    He wasn 't born yesterday and can 't be easily fooled .

  19. 她给人的印象是一个非常老练的女人。

    She came across as a very sophisticated woman .

  20. 他表现很老练。

    He acquitted himself like a veteran .

  21. 圆滑老练是很有用处的。

    Tact is a valuable commodity .

  22. 尽管她衣衫褴褛,但神态老练世故。

    Despite her scruffy clothes , there was an air of sophistication about her .

  23. PLC在灯泡老练机气动控制系统中的应用

    The Application of PLC in Pneumatic Control System for Bulb Aging Machine

  24. 亚历克斯是一名老练的自行车骑手,所走的路线也是她熟悉的伦敦墙(LondonWall)大街,并且还戴着一条非常显眼的肩带。

    Alex was an experienced cyclist on a familiar route along London Wall , and she was wearing a high-visibility sash .

  25. 他老练的指出了sweetspot作为敏捷方法,以及为什么使用它以及您能从中获得的好处。

    He adeptly points out the sweet spot for Agile methods , why they work , and benefits you gain from them .

  26. 尽管没有经验的应用程序开发人员也可以使用WorkplaceFormsDesigner,但是它提供了比较高级的特性供老练的程序员使用。

    Although designed to be usable by an inexperienced application developer , Workplace Forms Designer does offer more advanced features that veteran programmers can take advantage of .

  27. 而且,现在的学生更老练,更见多识广,且当他们开始接受MBA培训的时候,学习基础更扎实。

    And the students are much more sophisticated now , they 're broader they are better educated when they come to us .

  28. 进入一个老练的CW操作者的小屋,或在俱乐部集训日访问CW站。

    Go to the shack of a veteran CW operator , or visit the CW station at a club Field Day operation .

  29. 该文介绍了以PLC为控制单元,气缸为执行单元的控制系统,在灯泡生产设备老练机中的应用,并给出了系统的组成、硬件的配置及具体的实现方法。

    This paper introduces the control system which consists of PLC and the cylinder and its application in the aging machine . The system constitute , hardware disposal and realization method are also presented in detail .

  30. 即使是老练的程序员也承认,在SaaS应用程序中,有时性能瓶颈很难预测,因为涉及的变量太多。

    Even veteran programmers will admit that when it comes to SaaS applications , sometimes performance bottlenecks are difficult to predict because of the number of variables involved .