
  • 网络Jem;Jim;Jam;El Djem
  1. “当然是出了毛病!”杰姆大发雷霆道。

    ' Of course there 's something wrong ! ' Jem exploded .

  2. 杰姆好好睡了一觉之后又变得精力充沛了。

    Jem was full of beans after a long sleep .

  3. 杰姆觉得跟他磨嘴皮子没意思,于是便不再做声了。

    JEM decided there was no point in quibbling and was silent .

  4. 就连杰姆也抬起头来看上一眼,预备等看了一眼之后,再在她那憎恶的眼光前把脸蒙起来。

    Even JEM looked up to catch one glimpse , before he hid his face from her look of aversion .

  5. 英国工程师迪克和杰姆设计了一种太阳能水上出租车。

    English engineers Dick and Jem designed a solar-powered water taxi .

  6. 上学第一天,杰姆还算赏脸,把我带到学校。

    JEM condescended to take me to school the first day .

  7. 门开了,杰姆迈步进来再随手关上。

    The door opened and Jim stepped in and closed it .

  8. 这妇人当真可怜!不过我是为杰姆着想。

    Poor soul . I only mean for Jem 's sake .

  9. 杰姆说,他估摸,下回我会信他的话。

    Jim said he reckoned I would believe him next time .

  10. 杰姆跃出车外,把车库门打开。

    Jim jumped out the car and opened the garage doors .

  11. 谁起床早,杰姆还是本?是杰姆。

    Who gets up earlier , Jim or Ben ? Jim does .

  12. 文静而有价值&这句话拿来形容表链和杰姆本人都恰到好处。

    Quietness and value & the description applied to both .

  13. 杰姆好像忽然从恍惚中醒过来。

    Out o fhis trance Jim seemed quickly to wake .

  14. 恐怕没有。我和杰姆还有个约会。

    I 'm afraid not . I have another appointment with Jame .

  15. 星期五晚上你打算去杰姆家参加男子交谊会吗?

    Are you going to jim 's stag party on Friday evening ?

  16. 杰姆,那支笔一开始动就通知我们。

    Let us know , jim , the minute that pen moves .

  17. 杰姆,你今天下午去割草吗?

    Jim , are you going to cut the grass this afternoon ?

  18. 五年来她的兄弟杰姆一直都在干不正经的事。

    Her brother Jim has been on the dodge these five years .

  19. 杰姆躺了四天四夜,肿全消了,他又活动起来了。

    Jim was laid up for four days and nights .

  20. 杰姆,这是家新开张的百货公司。

    Mother : This is a new department-store , Jim .

  21. 怎么啦,马南师傅?杰姆有点儿发抖。

    ' Yes , Master Marner ? 'answered Jem , trembling a little .

  22. 杰姆给了我们一些免费电影票。

    Jim give us some freebie to the movie .

  23. 我想你自会为对杰姆的偏见感到抱歉的。

    I think you will be sorry for being so stubborn about Jem .

  24. 家庭作业完成之后,杰姆决定去看戏。

    His homework done , Jim decided to go and see the play .

  25. 该死,杰姆,影像又不见了。

    Damn it jem , video 's out again .

  26. 我既不生自己的气,也不想生杰姆的气。

    I 'm not going to be affronted either for myself or jem .

  27. 他变得越来越讨厌了,老跟在杰姆屁股后边转。

    He was becoming something of a trial anyway , following Jim about .

  28. 杰姆喜欢看凶杀故事的电视节目。

    Jim likes to watch blood-and-thunder stories on television .

  29. 杰姆的意见是玩棒球。

    Jim 's thought is to play baseball .

  30. 迪尔望着杰姆眨了眨了眼,杰姆却看着地下。

    Dill 's eyes flickered at Jem , and Jem looked at the floor .