
  • 网络conditional analysis
  1. 同时将多重区间定位法和条件分析法结合起来,对不同发育时期辣椒株高的动态QTL变化进行了分析研究。

    Dynamic QTLs affecting plant height were mapped and analyzed by the combination of multiple interval mapping and the conditional analysis method .

  2. 内蒙古林业可持续发展条件分析

    The Conditional Analysis of the Sustainable Development of Inner Mongolia Forestry

  3. CBD形成和发展的市场条件分析

    Market Conditions Analysis for the Formation and Development of CBD

  4. GIS支持下的攀西地区铂族元素(PGE)成矿地质条件分析与成矿预测

    Analyse of Ore-forming Geological Condition and Ore-forming Prediction of Panxi Area Platinum Group Element ( PGE ) Base on GIS

  5. 第四,在外部环境和内部条件分析的基础上,根据SWOT表推导出总体战略,制定GD公司使命、目标;

    Fourth , on the basis of the thing that external environment condition and inside condition are analysed , derive out the total strategy according to SWOT form , make GD Company 's mission , goal ;

  6. 在反应条件分析基础上提出的改良羟胺法,显色在6小时内稳定,检测灵敏度也较Boxer方法提高约20%。

    An improved method was proposed by the authors which makes the color product stable within 6 hours and also increases the detection sensitivity of about 20 % in comparison with the Boxer method .

  7. 根据天然气组分、储集层沥青以及成藏地质条件分析,天然气主要来源于古油藏原油裂解,为富含H2S的干气,H2S的形成与硫酸盐岩热化学还原作用有关。

    The natural gas is the dry gas with high content of H_ ( 2 ) S , and mainly comes from the cracking of foregone pool . The high content of H_ ( 2 ) S in gas component is contributed to the thermochemical sulfate reduction .

  8. 惠州大学10号学生宿舍楼工程,根据工程地质条件分析,并借鉴相邻建筑物的基础选型经验,确定采用高强预应力混凝土管桩基础,实际桩基础施工仅用17d,收到了较好的效果。

    According to geologic condition and foundation selection of close buildings , high ? strength prestressed concrete pipe pile foundation is adopted by the engineering of students ' hotel in Huizhou College . It actually takes 17 days to build pile foundation , and reaches better effects .

  9. 惠州抽水蓄能电站水库渗漏条件分析

    Leakage condition analysis for reservoir of Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station

  10. 玉米秃尖的气象条件分析

    An analysis of meteorological conditions causing bare tip of maize ears

  11. 我国航空公司加入国际航空战略联盟的条件分析

    Analysis of Conditions of Chinese Airlines for Joining International Airline Alliances

  12. 六端口电路稳定性及最佳条件分析

    Analysts of stability and optimal condition for the six port circuit

  13. 广东省荔枝生产的气象条件分析和区划

    Analysis and Divisions of Meteorological Conditions in Litchi Production in Guangdong

  14. 冬季大气污染与天气条件分析及预报

    Analysis and forecast of atmospheric pollution with weather condition in winter

  15. 延边旅游发展条件分析与持续发展方向

    Analysis of development conditions and lasting development way of Yanbian tourism

  16. 煤峪口矿14号层中西部开采条件分析

    Mining Feasibility of the Middle and Western Part of No.14 Layer

  17. 大连长海海域工程场地条件分析

    Site conditions analysis on sea engineering site in changhai , Dalian

  18. 成都市蔬菜外运的气象条件分析

    Analysis of the meteorological condition of vegetables transport of Chengdu

  19. S~4-PFC正激变换器连续条件分析

    Analysis of the Continuous Condition for the S ~ 4-PFC Forward Converter

  20. 北京地区冰雹云生成的宏观条件分析

    Analysis of Macroscopic Conditions for Hail Cloud Development in Beijing

  21. 郑州地区太阳能规模化供热气候条件分析

    Climate Conditions Analysis for a Large Scale Solar Energy Heating in Zhengzhou

  22. 微尺度流动界面现象及其流动边界条件分析

    Interfacial phenomena in micro - scale flowing and its flowing boundary condition

  23. 焉耆盆地博湖坳陷油气形成条件分析

    Conditions of Petroleum Generation of Bohu Depression in Yanqi Basin

  24. 福州市1997年甘蔗开花的气候条件分析

    Weather condition analysis of sugarcane florescence in Fuzhou in 1997

  25. 固体物理学中平衡态的热力学条件分析

    The analysis of thermodynamic equilibrium conditions in solid state physics

  26. 电容器铝箔交流腐蚀过程中腐蚀膜形成条件分析

    Analysis of the formation conditions for etching Al film of electrolytic capacitors

  27. 粤港金融合作的基础条件分析

    Fundamental Condition Study of the Financial Cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong

  28. 2003年陕西秋季连阴雨降水特点及环流条件分析

    Analysis of continous rainfall in Shaanxi in 2003 autumn with circulation features

  29. 河西酿酒葡萄生育模型及气象条件分析

    Analysis of Brewing Grape Grow Model and Meteorological Conditions in Hexi Corridor

  30. 海南地区红毛丹种植气象条件分析

    The Meteorological Condition Analysis For Rambutan Planting In Hainan Area