
  1. 本文采用有效折射率法分析了下条载聚合物薄膜通道波导的传输特性,讨论了制备单模传输波导的条件及其影响因素,制备了PDA薄膜通道波导,并测试了其波导特性。

    In the paper , the transmitting characters of low-strip-loaded polymer film channel waveguide were analysed by efficiency index method , and the influence factors of waveguide fabrication were discussed . The optimized fabricating condition was obtained , and the properties of waveguide were measured .

  2. 介绍了弯曲条载波导的实验研究。

    The experiments of the strip-loaded curved waveguides are described .

  3. 条载型介质波导的加权余量分析

    Analysis of Strip-Loaded Waveguides by Weighted Residual Method

  4. 已有人提出,如果放宽分辨本领和边缘光洁度的要求,便能制备脊形波导和条载形波导。

    It has been suggested that both the ridge guide , and the strip-loaded guide can be fabricated with relaxed requirements for resolution and edge roughness .

  5. 本文从两条载驳母船的实际出发.用两种不同的方法分别地加以计算.其中一条是计算了整个船的应力状态。

    In this paper , stress analysis has been made on a barge-carrier by the finite element method , For this new ship design , two plans of structural arrangement have been proved .

  6. 气体碳氮共渗20钢锯条静载弯曲强度的研究

    Study on the Dead Bending Strength of 20 ~ # Steel Saw Blades by Gas Carbonitriding

  7. 他投桃报李,遣一条船载新鲜水果、鱼、蔬菜以及一只猪,送给埃姆登号的德军。

    In return , he sent a boat to the Emden loaded with fresh fruit , fish , vegetables and a pig .

  8. 其中又以卷16《田令.农桑》劝农立社事理条画所载更为详实,给元代后期乃至后世的农业发展和农业管理带来了深远的影响。

    Volume 6 " Tianling : Nongsang " was the most developed one and had profound influence on the latter agricultural development and management .

  9. 在建立了样条函数表示载机真实航迹的模型后,采用多测量信号联合估计样条系数的方法实现融合。

    We express the true trajectory of the aircraft by means of spline function , and then use measuring data from multichannel to estimate the spline coefficient .

  10. 松茂古道是连接川中盆地与西部高原的纽带,一条历时千载的军事要道、商贸通衢和民族文化长廊。

    Matsushige trail links the Sichuan Basin and the western highlands . It is also one lasted a thousand years of military hub , business thoroughfare , and ethnic cultural corridor .

  11. 名誉的确好象一条河,能载轻浮中空之物而淹没沉重坚实之物。

    Fame is like a river , that bears up things light and hollow , and drowns things weighty and solid .

  12. 他给了亨森一美元钱,安排了一条小船,小船载着这位黑奴及其家人过河来到加拿大。

    He gave Henson a dollar and arranged for a boat , which carried the slave and his family across the river to Canada .

  13. 黑夜来了,他已经泅泳了几个钟头,力气使尽了,那条船,那条载着一些人的远远的船,已经不见了。

    Night descends , he has been swimming for hours , his strength is exhausted but that ship , that distant thing in which there were men , has vanished ;

  14. 给出了动应力强度因子与裂纹传播速度、裂纹长度、压电条及弹性条厚度、电荷载大小及方向的关系曲线。

    Plotted are the curves of dynamic stress intensity factor versus crack propagating speed , crack length , piezoelectric strip or elastic strip thickness and magnitude and direction of electrical loads , respectively .