
cūn ɡōnɡ suǒ
  • village administrative office
  1. 村公所大礼堂是本地区的社交中心。

    The village hall was the social hub of the district .

  2. 大部分士兵都临时住在村公所里。

    Most of the men were quartered in the village hall .

  3. 村公所里有一块纪念该艺术家的牌匾。

    There is a commemorative plaque to the artist in the village hall .

  4. 我们挤进村公所,等待着从利物浦疏散来的人的到来。

    We crowded into the village hall , to await the arrival of the evacuees from liverpool .

  5. 有一种选票只是一张盖着村公所公章的空白纸。

    One type of ballot was merely a blank piece of paper with the seal of The village office chopped on it .

  6. 滇东南岩溶山区社区资源利用系统分析与模式重建&以广南县篆角乡布标村公所为例

    Systematic analyses and modeling reconstruction for natural resources utilization in a community : case from the karst areas of Southeastern Yunnan Province

  7. 她一路喊到村公所去告状。第二天,村干部召开了全村群众大会。

    Still shouting , she ran straight to the subdistrict office and made a report to the cadres who summoned a meeting of the whole village next day .