
  • 网络the northwest shanxi;northwestern shanxi province
  1. 晋西北粮食生产特点和农业自然灾害

    Grain production and agricultural disaster in the Northwest Shanxi

  2. 晋西北树木引种驯化初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Introduction and Training of Tree Species in the Northwest Shanxi

  3. 以木枣为试材进行枣树蒸腾作用与萎蔫现象研究,结果表明:晋西北黄土丘陵旱坡地枣树叶片在正常年份内的蒸腾速率为0.93μg/(s·cm2);

    Cultivar " Muzao " was used as test material , the study results showed that in arid hillside field , loess hills of northwest ShanXi Province , the transpiration rate of jujube leaf blade in normal year is 0.93 μ g / s · cm 2 ;

  4. 近50年来晋西北地区气候变化分析

    Climate changes in northwest of Shanxi Province in recent 50 years

  5. 晋西北土地荒漠化现状及其分布规律

    Present situation and distributional regularity of land desertification in northwest Shanxi

  6. 晋西北干旱地区保护性耕作的研究

    Research of Protecting Cultivation in the Northwest Arid Area of Shanxi Province

  7. 晋西北地区土地荒漠化的人为因素浅析

    Analysis on the Artificial Factor of Land Desertification in Northwestern Shanxi Province

  8. 晋西北3个树种抗旱性指数的研究

    Drought Resistance Index of Three Species of Trees in the Northwestern Shanxi

  9. 灰色多目标局势决策在晋西北植树造林中的应用

    Application of grey multiple object state decision-making in afforestation of northwest Shanxi

  10. 晋西北公路柠条路基护坡

    Ning Twigs Subgrade Slope of Northwest of Shanxi Highway

  11. 晋西北土地资源利用研究

    Land Resources Utilization in the Northwest of Shanxi Province

  12. 晋西北地区环境、资源与可持续发展

    Environment , Resources and Sustainable Development in the Northwest Area of Shanxi Province

  13. 晋西北地区环境特征与土地荒漠化类型研究

    Environmental Characteristics and Types of Land Desertification in the Northwest of Shanxi Province

  14. 晋西北农村在近代中国是不折不扣的边缘地区,小农经济始终居于主导地位。

    The peasant economy was dominant in the northwest Shanxi in modern China .

  15. 晋西北地区农民体育价值观的初步研究

    Jin Northwestern Region Farmer Sports Values ' Preliminary Study

  16. 晋西北丘陵缓坡风沙区风蚀规律的试验研究

    Research on Law of Wind Erosion in Dune Area in Northwest of Shanxi Province

  17. 晋西北地区土地荒漠化现状分析

    Analysis on land desertification status in Northwestern Shanxi

  18. 柠条人工林对晋西北土壤理化性质变化的影响研究

    Research on change of soil properities of Caragana plantation in North-west of Shanxi Province

  19. 晋西北地区土地荒漠化危害度评价研究

    Study on the evaluation of land desertification harmfulness in the northwestern part of Shanxi Province

  20. 晋西北地区淤地坝减洪减沙效益计算方法研究

    Calculating Method of Sediment and Flood Reducing Benefit by Silt Arrester in Northwestern Shanxi Province

  21. 抗日根据地基层权力结构变迁初探&以抗战时期晋西北根据地为例

    On the Changes in the Power Structure at the Basic Level in Anti-Japanese Base Areas

  22. 晋西北黄土工程地质特性的初步研究

    Preliminary research into engineering geological properties of loess in the northwest of Shanxi Province of Chima

  23. 晋西北黄土丘陵沟壑区典型灌草植被土壤水分动态变化规律研究

    Soil Moisture Dynamic Variation Law of Typical Shrub-grass Vegetation in Loess Hill Area of Northwestern Shanxi

  24. 晋西北地区土地沙漠化过程及发展趋势研究

    Study on the processes and developmental trends of land desertification in the northwest of Shanxi Province

  25. 土地生态设计方法及其在晋西北土地荒漠化防治中的应用

    The Land Ecology Designing Method and Its Use to Desertification Control in Northwestern Region of Shanxi

  26. 晋西黄土高原半干旱区刺槐林分需水量的研究二十世纪三四十年代晋西北的农业雇工

    Study on Water Requirement of Black Locust Forest in Semi-arid Region on Loess Plateau of Northwest Shanxi

  27. 晋西北人工林土壤水分特点与降水关系研究

    Study on Characteristics of Soil Water of Planted Forest and Its Relation to Precipitation in Northwestern Shanxi

  28. 论晋西北抗日根据地乡村妇女社会化

    Research on the Socialization of Countryside Women in the Anti-Japanese Base Area in Northwest of Shanxi Province

  29. 晋西北丘陵缓坡风沙区是沙漠化正在发展区。

    The dune area in the northwest of Shanxi Province , is an area developing into desert .

  30. 人类活动对晋西北地区生态环境影响的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the influence of activities on ecological environment in the northwest of Shanxi Province