
  • 网络material science and engineering;Material Science & Engineering;MSE
  1. 材料科学与工程中应用ANN的前景

    Prospect of ANN in materials science and Engineering

  2. 指出在现有研究的水平上,采用ANN解决材料科学与工程实际问题时的优点和局限性。

    And it is indicated that advantages and limitations solving actual questions in materials science and engineering using ANN , so far as the present level about researching ANN .

  3. 在几何建模、物理建模、三维虚拟场景的组装与仿真的实时操作控制,以及系统总体设计等方面,为VR技术在材料科学与工程领域的应用作了有益的探索。

    This paper studies the applications of VRML in material science and engineering , including the geometry or physics modeling , the assembly of three dimensional geometrical models , the real time control of dynamic debugging for simulation and so on .

  4. 材料科学与工程中的激光&兼议我国激光加工产业化

    Laser in Materials Science and Engineering and Its Industrialization in China

  5. 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院;

    School of Material Science and Engineering , Nanjing Polytechnical University ;

  6. 试论材料科学与工程的内涵与研究方法

    On the essential and research method of materials science and Engineering

  7. 金属材料科学与工程课程群建设研究

    Study on course groups building of metal material science and Engineering

  8. 电磁技术在金属材料科学与工程中的应用

    The Application of Electromagnetic Technology in Metallic Materials Science and Engineering

  9. 材料科学与工程导论课程双语教学实践初探

    On the Bilingual Teaching of Guide to Material Science and Engineering

  10. 材料科学与工程在美国

    Materials Science and Engineering in the United States of America

  11. 单位:江苏大学材料科学与工程学院。

    SETTING : College of Material Science and Engineering , Jiangsu University .

  12. 陶瓷:适用于材料科学与工程教育的素材

    Ceramics : good examples for teaching materials science and Engineering

  13. 核科学技术和材料科学与工程

    Nuclear Science and Technology & Material Science and Engineering

  14. 材料科学与工程专业实践教学新体系探讨

    Practical teaching system of materials science and engineering major

  15. 材料科学与工程专业实验课程体系的改革

    Reforming of experimental course system about the major of materials science and engineering

  16. 日本材料科学与工程教育和研究现状考察

    Examination on State-of-arts of Materials Science and Engineering Education and Research in Japan

  17. 本文评述了近期材料科学与工程领域研究与开发的趋向。

    Current trends of R D in materials science and engineering have been reviewed .

  18. 复合材料科学与工程。

    Science and Engineering of Composite Materials .

  19. 马野(音译),21岁,沈阳航空航天大学材料科学与工程专业学生

    Ma Ye , 21 , materials science and engineering major student from Shenyang Aerospace University

  20. 建筑类地方院校材料科学与工程专业课程体系的探讨

    Discussion of the Course System about Materials Science and Engneering Major on Local Architectural College

  21. 聚合物的共混改性是高分子材料科学与工程领域中的一个重要分支。

    Polymer blend is an important branch in the field of polymer materials science and engineering .

  22. 机械工程、车辆工程、材料科学与工程、物流管理。

    Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing , Vehicle Engineering , Material Science and Engineering , Logistics Management .

  23. 《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》2006年第11卷1~6期总目次

    Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy The General Contents of Vol.11 , No.1 ~ 6 in 2006

  24. 材料科学与工程材料科学与工程系的历史可追溯到麻省理工学院建立之年,1865年。

    The Department of Materials Science and Engineering traces its history back to the founding of MIT in1865 .

  25. 聚合物增韧是高分子材料科学与工程中十分活跃的研究领域。

    The study on polymer toughening is the most active domain in the polymer material science and engineering .

  26. 教导材料科学与工程之基本原理及专业知识。

    Provide a solid foundation in the fundamental and professional knowledge of the field of materials science and engineering .

  27. 材料科学与工程技术的发展对材料类专业人才素质提出了新的要求。

    The development of material science and engineering technology put forward new requirements for the cultivation of the talents .

  28. 东北林业大学材料科学与工程学院师生冰雪雕作品选

    Selection of Ice & Snow Sculptures by Teachers and Students from Material Science and Engineering College , Northeast Forestry University

  29. 分子自组装系统是分子生物学、化学、高分子科学、材料科学与工程之间的交叉学科。

    Molecular self-assembly systems lie at the interface between molecular biology , chemistry , polymer science , materials science and engineering .

  30. 本实验室为教学实验室,主要承担材料科学与工程专业本科生实验教学任务。

    The laboratory is used as a teaching laboratory and it mainly undertakes the experimental teaching of materials science and engineering for undergraduate .