
tài yáng xì
  • solar system
太阳系 [tài yáng xì]
  • [solar system] 太阳和由它的引力吸住并围绕它旋转的天体群(指行星、小行星、卫星、彗星、陨星等等)

太阳系[tài yáng xì]
  1. 土星是太阳系中的第二大行星。

    Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system .

  2. 这幅图标示了太阳系八大行星中的6颗。

    The picture shows six of the eight planets in the solar system .

  3. 这艘宇宙飞船可能会让人们对太阳系中的一个神秘角落有更新的认识。

    The spacecraft is set to throw new light on to a dark corner of the solar system .

  4. 太阳系具有下述两个显著特征。

    Two further aspects of the solar system are notable .

  5. 太阳系与一个大小相同的反太阳系相互结合而湮没。

    The solar system and an antisolar system of comparable size were to combine and annihilate .

  6. 太阳系的行星

    the planets of our solar system

  7. 这是发挥新型举国体制优势攻坚克难取得的又一重大成就,标志着中国航天向前迈出的一大步,将为深化人类对月球成因和太阳系演化历史的科学认知作出贡献。

    It is another major achievement in overcoming difficulties by giving full play to the advantages of the new nationwide system , marking a great step forward in China 's space industry . This will contribute to deepening the understanding of the origin of the moon and the evolution history of the solar system .

  8. 由于对内太阳系中存在行星x这一真相进行了掩盖,(因而)对媒体而言,这也是一个禁止的话题。

    Since there is a cover-up over the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system , this is also a banned subject in the media .

  9. 木星命名为罗马众神之王木星英文名为Jupiter(朱庇特,就是罗马神话中的宙斯神)是太阳系中的巨人。

    Named after the king of the Roman gods , Jupiter is the giant of our solar system .

  10. 用RBF计算了太阳系中木星、土星、天王星、海王星和土卫六的大气密度随高度的分布。

    The atmospheric number density distributions of Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune and Titan upon height are evaluated in this paper .

  11. 我是和社会记忆复合体(socialmemorycomplex)同在,我是其中的一部分,那些中的一个从你们太阳系的另一个行星开始向外旅行,如这个实体所称的。

    I am , with the social memory complex of which I am a part , one of those who voyaged outward from another planet within your own solar system , as this entity would call it .

  12. 直到2003年行星X进入内太阳系后的几年以前,地球的某些部分是不会出现飓风或者气旋活动的。

    Up until the years following the arrival of Planet X into the inner solar system in2003 , certain parts of the world were exempt from hurricane or cyclone activity .

  13. 罗塞塔号正试图解答有关我们太阳系的一些非常重要的问题,罗塞塔号项目科学家马特•泰勒(MattTaylor)表示,在太阳系形成初期它是什么状态?

    Rosetta is trying to answer the very big questions about the history of our Solar System , said Matt Taylor , Rosetta project scientist .

  14. 作为闪击战的一部分,WISE团队召开了一场关于近地行星的记者招待会,会议期间谈到了太阳系内部物体的主题。

    As part of the blitz , the WISE team held a press conference on Near Earth Asteroids , during which the subject of objects in the solar system came up .

  15. 是不是新发射的在红外频域扫描天空的WISE探测器现在将“发现”X行星正位于内太阳系里我们的身畔?

    Will the new WISE probe , just launched and due to map the skies in infrared , now " discover " Planet X sitting right next to us in the inner solar system .

  16. 这个过程和数十年前以类似方式探索外太阳系的“先驱者号”(Pioneer)和“旅行者号”(Voyager)探测器基本一样。

    That process is essentially unchanged from decades ago , when the Pioneer and Voyager probes similarly navigated to the outer solar system .

  17. 阿里斯塔克斯(aristarchus)比托勒密早两百多年提出了太阳系日心说理论。

    Aristarchus had more than 200 years earlier come up with a heliocentric model of the solar system .

  18. 在相对论框架里,太阳系天体的质量应当定义为BD质量,它们的相对变化不超过10(-19),可视为守恒量;

    The mass of a celestial body in the solar system should be defined as its BD mass that changes relatively in an amount less than 10-19 and could be considered as a constant .

  19. 这一最新发现以NASA开普勒太空望远镜用两年时间从大约15万颗恒星收集到的数据为基础。至此,太阳系外人类确切知道的行星数量增至近1700个。

    This latest discovery , based on two years of data collected from 150000 or so stars by the agency 's orbiting Kepler space telescope , brings the confirmed count of planets outside our solar system to nearly 1700 worlds .

  20. 新的太空舱名为猎户座(Orion),这次试飞不会载人,但NASA希望它会开启包括登陆火星在内的人类新一轮太阳系探索的第一步。

    No one will be aboard this flight test of the new capsule , Orion , but NASA hopes it is the first step toward human exploration of the solar system , including an eventual landing on Mars .

  21. Kuiper带天体(KBOs)的动力学研究是当前太阳系动力学研究的前沿领域之一。

    The dynamics study of the Kuiper Belt Objects ( KBOs ) is one of the research front fields in the Solar System dynamics nowadays .

  22. 这是一个有最高解析度,世上最精确的光谱仪,叫做HARPS。这实际上是用于探测太阳系外行星,和恒星大气中的声波。

    This is the number one high resolution , most precise spectrograph on this planet , called HARPS , which is actually used to detect extrasolar planets and sound waves in the atmospheres of stars .

  23. Steins小行星直径大约3英里,现在正在对它进行研究,这对揭开太阳系形成的奥秘非常关键。

    A roughly three-mile-diameter Steins Asteroid is being studied for keys that could help unlock some of the mysteries about the creation of the Solar System .

  24. 谈太阳系外新发现的行星Malhotra通过行星迁移成功地解释了冥王星被共振俘获的机制。

    On the Discovery of Extrasolar Planets Malhotra proposed that Pluto was swept into the 3:2 resonance by planets migration , which happened very easily in the early stage of the solar system .

  25. 给出了太阳系质心参考系(BRS)和地心参考系(GRS)中的相对论激光测距理论模型,并且利用现有的坐标变换关系证明两种模型在毫米级的精度上是完全等价的。

    The relativistic models of laser ranging measurements are given in the solar system barycentric reference system ( BRS ) and in the geocentric reference system ( GRS ) . It is proved that the two models are equivalent in the precision of millimeter .

  26. 地外生命搜索和太阳系外的行星的发现

    Searching for extra terrestrial intelligence and the discovering of extrasolar planets

  27. 太阳系起源各种学说的评价

    Critical review of theories on the origin of the solar system

  28. 这基本上就是我们太阳系所发生的情况。

    This is essentially what happened in our own solar system .

  29. 甚至更小的太阳系内的碎片也是流星体。

    And even smaller type of interplanetary debris is the meteoroid .

  30. 水星在我们的太阳系里是最敏高的一个星星。

    Mercury is the most sensitive planet of our solar system .