
jī yóu
  • engine oil;machine oil
机油 [jī yóu]
  • [machine oil;engine oil] 润滑油

机油[jī yóu]
  1. 发动机油不能被清理到下水道中。

    Engine oil cannot be disposed of down drains .

  2. 要时常检查机油量。

    Check the engine oil level regularly .

  3. 我们必须把发动机里的机油全部放掉。

    We had to drain the oil out of the engine .

  4. 有潮湿的木料和机油的气味。

    There was a smell of damp wood and machine oil .

  5. 过滤器如果已被机油浸透,则应丢弃并换上新的。

    If the filter has been saturated with motor oil , it should be discarded and replaced .

  6. 他让这个工人给车轴涂些机油。

    He asked the worker to grease the axle .

  7. 模糊PID控制器在机油冷却器检测中的应用

    Application of a Fuzzy PID Controller in Oil Cooler Testing

  8. 15W-40SF/CD级通用内燃机油

    The 15w-40 API sf / cd universal engine oil

  9. F检验在处理机油光谱分析数据中的应用

    The Application of F-test to Deal with the Data of Oil Light Spectrum Analysis

  10. 系列复合化技术在SC及SD级汽油机油中的应用

    Application of series packaging technology for SC and SD grades gasoline engine oils

  11. 发展了CC和CD级柴油机油添加剂配方,进行了发动机台架评定。

    CC and CD grade diesel engine oil packages were developed and bench scale engine tests are performed .

  12. FC二冲程汽油机油研制

    Development of FC two stroke gasoline engine oil

  13. 汽油机油在使用过程中羧酸类化合物的GPC定量分析

    Quantitative determination of carboxylic compounds in used engine oil by gel permeation chromatography

  14. 5W/30QF(SF)高级汽油机油的研究和制备

    Study on formulation of 5w / 30 qf ( sf ) gasoline engine oil

  15. 基于AVR单片机的柴油机油-水在线乳化自控系统

    Autocontrol Diesel Online Emulsification System Based on AVR MCU

  16. SG级汽油机油高温高速行车试验

    A review in field test of SG grade gasoline engine oil performances at high-temperature and high-speed

  17. 10W/30SF/CD级通用内燃机油的研制

    10w / 30 sf / cd universal internal combustion engine oil

  18. SJ汽油机油的质量特性及SJ10W/40油研究

    Teh quality characteristics of SJ gasoline engine oil and the development of Sj 10w / 40

  19. 东风(4D)型机车机油老化的分析及解决措施的几点建议

    Some Suggestions on how to Solve the Prblem of Oil Aging of DF_ ( 4D ) Type Diesel Locomotive

  20. 低粘度机油必须具有适当的API品质或CCMCG5认证。

    Low viscosity oils must have the proper API quality or the CCMC G5 designation .

  21. 提高DF(4B)型机车冷却水和机油温度降低燃油消耗

    Increasing the temperatures of the cooling water and the oil of DF_ ( 4B ) locomotive to decrease the fuel consumption

  22. SBF-1二冲程汽油机油混溶性试验仪温控系统

    SBF-1 Temperature Control system for Testing Mixability and Solubility of Gasoline and Oil for Two-stroke Gasoline Engine

  23. HM磨合油系由高含硫原油中提炼出来的磨合添加剂与柴油机油按一定配比调合而成。

    HM break-in oil is prepared by adding a certain additive into the diesel oil . The additive is obtained from a high sulfur crude oil .

  24. 用脱氮基础油调制的HL液压油、TSA防锈汽轮机油可以降低添加剂用量。

    HL hydraulic fluid and TSA anti rust turbine oil formulated with denitrified base oil can reduce the consumption capacity of additives .

  25. 介绍了一种新近开发的CC柴油机油复合剂,使用4.5%的剂量可生产30、40CC柴油机油。

    A kind of CC diesel engine oil package developed recently was described , using 4.5 % of package to produce 30 and 40 CC diesel engine oils .

  26. PDSC法测定汽轮机油的氧化安定性

    Determination of Oxidation Stability of Turbine Oil by PDSC Method

  27. HLA的弹簧阻尼模型以串联在一起的弹簧和阻尼分别表示高压腔机油的可压缩性和泄漏的影响;液压模型则直接用流体力学导出的关系式计算高压腔机油压力。

    In one model , the HLA consisted of a spring and a damper connected in series , and in the other model , the HLA was represented by a hydraulic element .

  28. 结果表明:其理化性能优于SF汽油机油,与天然气发动机油的理化性能相当。

    The result indicated that its performance surpasses the performance of the gasoline engine oil , to same tune the performance of the natural gas engine oil quite .

  29. 通过对柴油机油发展现状的分析,论证了研制CH4柴油机油的必要性、紧迫性和可能性。

    By analyzing the development status of diesel engine oil , the necessity , urgency and possibility to develop CH 4 diesel engine oil are put forward .

  30. 汽轮机油补加T501抗氧化剂工艺

    Technique for Adding Oxidation Inhibitor T501 to Turbine Oil