
jī qì fān yì
  • machine translation;MT;mechanical translation
  1. 基于Web服务的多引擎机器翻译系统

    Multi-Engine Machine Translation System Based on Web Services

  2. 机器翻译(MachineTranslation:MT)就是用计算机将一种自然语言翻译为另一种自然语言。

    MT ( Machine Translation ) is to apply the computer into the translation of one natural language into another .

  3. 机器翻译的质量虽然有所改善,但翻译起口语体和习语来还是困难重重

    It is getting better , but It'still struggles with colloquialisms and idioms .

  4. microsoft自己的统计技术机器翻译引擎支持哪些语言的翻译?

    Which language translations does microsoft 's own statistical machine translation engine support ?

  5. 双语CAPP中机械制造工艺语言机器翻译研究

    Study on Machine Translation of Manufacture Technology Language in Bilingual CAPP

  6. 机器翻译(MT)和机器辅助翻译(CAT)是两个既有联系又有着本质区别的概念。

    Machine Translation and Computer Aided Translation are two concepts interrelated with each other yet different in nature .

  7. 最后,将基于XML的译文生成技术应用于汉英机器翻译中,实现了一个汉英转换生成实验系统SUNGEN,为不断改进译文质量提供了一个方便高效的实验平台。

    By applying the XSLT transformation technology , we construct a general rule-based generation method and implement a generation system in the Chinese-English machine translation ( CEMT ) .

  8. 基于CFC(正确性信心指数)的学习型可信赖机器翻译系统

    Confidence Factor of Correctness Based Trustworthy Machine Translation System of Learning Ability

  9. 可信赖机器翻译(TMT)与术语标准化

    Trustworthy Machine Translation ( TMT ) and Terminology Standardization

  10. Internet信息翻译是当前一项综合利用机器翻译、计算机、网络与通讯技术.将因特网中的信息资源进行自动翻译的新兴技术。

    The technique of translating the Internet information is the integration of variety of techniques including machine translation , computer , network and communication and this is a new technique , which translates the internet sources automatically .

  11. OpenE:一种基于n-gram共现的自动机器翻译评测方法

    OpenE : an Automatic Method of MT Evaluation Based on N-gram Co-occurrence

  12. 基于N-gram共现的机器翻译自动评估的研究

    Research on automatic evaluation of MT based on n-gram co-occurrence

  13. N-gram统计模型在机器翻译系统中的应用

    Model . Statistical N-gram Method Used in Machine Translation System

  14. 一个基于GLR算法的英汉机器翻译浅层句法分析器

    A GLR - Based Shallow Syntactic Parser of English-Chinese Machine Translation

  15. 基于HNC理论的汉英机器翻译策略研究

    Strategies for HNC-based Chinese-English Machine Translation

  16. 其他的比如机器翻译(MT)、语音合成、自动分类、自动摘要、自动校对等等,都需要用到分词。

    Others such as machine translation ( MT ), speech synthesis , automatic classification , automatic summarization , automatic proofreading etc. , require the use of word segmentation .

  17. 在自然语言处理领域,实体识别是信息提取、句法分析、机器翻译、面向SEMANTICWEB的元数据标注等应用领域重要的基础性工具。

    In the field of natural language processing , entity recognition is the key technique in many Chinese information Processing applications such as information extraction , syntactic analysis , machine translation , metadata annotate for Semantic Web and so on .

  18. 在基于实例的汉英机器翻译(EBMT)系统中,为计算语句相似度,需要对句子进行适当的分析。

    An appropriate parsing to the sentences is necessary for sentence similarity calculation in EBMT .

  19. 在基于实例的机器翻译(EBMT)的语句相似度研究中,确定谓语中心词以把握句子的整体结构是至关重要的。

    It is necessary to grasp the main structure of the sentence through its predicate head for the sentence similarity calculation in EBMT .

  20. 多语言机器翻译系统JF-111的基本原理

    Fundamental principles of jf-111 , a Multilingual Machine Translation System

  21. MulTran多语言机器翻译系统实现的语言学基础

    The Linguistic Basis of Realizing MulTran & a Multilingual Machine Translation System

  22. 其次,探讨面向专业机器翻译的术语词典研究的几个重要方面,包括通用领域本体的设计、专业术语的描述和向本体的映射、双语或多语MT专业词库的组织和应用等;

    Some important aspects of specialty MT-oriented technical lexicons are then studied , including the design of general-purpose specialty ontology , the description of technical terms and their mapping to specialty ontology , the organization and application of bilingual or multilingual MT domain-specific lexicons .

  23. 论文提出纳西象形文翻译输入系统的设计方案,根据机器翻译的原理,建立了翻译输入系统的体系结构,并使用IME技术,实现了纳西象形文翻译输入系统。

    This paper presents the design of the Translation Input System , builds the structure of the system , and makes use of the IME technologies , realizes the Naxi pictograph Translation Input System .

  24. 文章讨论了汉法机器翻译系统(CFMT)中的汉语分析和法语生成问题。

    This paper introduces a Chinese-French machine translation system ( CFMT ) including Chinese analysis and French generation .

  25. 介绍了MTS2000英汉机器翻译系统中译文选择和转换生成的实现策略。

    The translation choice and transfer modules in the English Chinese machine translation system of MTS2000 are introduced .

  26. 现在组块分析广泛用于自然语言处理的众多方面,尤其是在基于实例的机器翻译EBMT研究中,组块分析是重要技术之一。

    Now , chunk identification is widely used in many fields of natural language processing , especially in the example based machine translation ( EBMT ), in which chunk identification is one of major techniques .

  27. 本文介绍基于德语单词的词性自动识别和综合德语题录的结构类型的德汉题录机器翻译系统TJTITR。

    TJTITR German-Chinese Title Translation System is based on automatic recognition of the features of a word and the synthesis of structure patterns of a German title .

  28. 阐述了可信赖机器翻译(TMT)的基本概念,TMT七原则和七判据,TMT与术语标准化的关系,并讨论了对外来词的音译和双语联合表示法的应用等问题。

    In this paper the author elaborates basic concepts about Trustworthy Machine Translation ( TMT ), gives out its seven principles and criterions , and discusses the relationship between the TMT and terminology standardization , some important problems concerned with translation by transcription or by transliteration or by paraphrasing .

  29. 本文综述了NIST2005机器翻译评测(MR&05)的基本情况,分析了BLEU自动评测方法,并从排名和得分上简单评价了此次评测结果。

    The article gives a brief introduction to MT-05 which is an evaluation held by NIST for the translation machine systems , analyzes the automatic evaluation method of BLEU , and points out some viewpoints to the results of this evaluation separately from the ranks and the scores .

  30. 现代汉语语义词典(SKCC)是一部面向中文信息处理的语义知识库,1998年底完成一期工程,收词48835条。汉英机器翻译中基于大型语义词典的汉语词义消歧

    The Semantic Knowledge-base of Contemporary Chinese ( SKCC ) is a large machine-readable dictionary developed by the Institute of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Department of Peking University . A Study of Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation in MT Based on Semantic Knowledge-base