
jī dòng xìng
  • maneuverability;motility
机动性[jī dòng xìng]
  1. 火力、机动性和防护性是坦克车辆的三大基本性能,也是评价坦克装甲车辆总体性能好坏的主要依据。

    Firepower , motility and protection are three main functions of tank vehicle , and are the primary standards to evaluate the collective performance of them .

  2. 由于在拟用环境中对系统机动性要求较高,因此本文着重对APT技术中的超前校正进行了分析。

    Because of high requirement of maneuverability for the system , the beforehand emendation in APT technology has been analyzed with great exertion in the last part of the thesis .

  3. SOA的一个重要业务驱动力就是公司的机动性。

    An important business driver for SOA is corporate agility .

  4. 然而,SOA更重要的优势是业务机动性。

    An even more important advantage of SOA , however , is business agility .

  5. n.骑兵骑兵的机动性远优于步兵。

    cavalry The cavalry is much superior in mobility to the infantry .

  6. adhoc网络具备快速搭建、设备便携灵活、机动性强等诸多特点,不管存民用还是军用领域都有着广阔的应用前景。

    Ad Hoc network has characteristics of being quickly constructed , devices conveniently taken , strong flexibility . It is now widely used in public and military .

  7. 无人驾驶飞行器(UnmannedAerialVehicle,UAV)具有风险性低、机动性好、可靠性高、适应性强等特点。

    UAV ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle , UAV ) has advantages of low risk , good mobility , high reliability , high adaptability and so on .

  8. 这一种火炮系统的轻型和高机动性特点可能适应PLA空降部队和海军陆战队的特别要求。

    The lightweight and high-mobility features of this artillery system may be of special appeal to the PLA airborne force and marine corps .

  9. 毋庸置疑,治理是构建SOA过程中最棘手和最关键的因素之一,特别是在考虑流程和机动性的同时,还要把政治和资金等因素也考虑进来的时候。

    Governance is arguably one of the most delicate and crucial factor when building an SOA especially when you also factor in political or funding in addition to process and agility considerations .

  10. 站在提升业务和IT机动性的高度去定义服务(业务服务和IT服务)的能力是每一位SOA架构师所必备的基本素质。

    The ability to define services ( business & IT ) at a level that fosters business and IT agility is a fundamental and imperative training that every SOA architect must have mastered .

  11. 对于机动性较强的目标,利用交互式多模型(IMM)算法可以很好的解决跟踪问题。

    Underwater target tracking with the higher maneuvering ability can be well solved by the algorithm of interactive multiple model .

  12. 针对传统的雷达数据传输方式机动性、灵活性差的现状,基于成熟的GPRS技术,提出和设计了一种新型雷达数据传输系统。

    In order to improve the mobility and flexibility of the traditional radar data transmission , a new transmission system is proposed and designed based on the mature technology of GPRS .

  13. DVENET中坦克装甲车辆机动性仿真的研究

    Research on Maneuverability Simulation of Tank in DVENET

  14. 实施可持续城市机动性政策的困难&以法国城市交通出行规划(PDU)为例

    The Difficulties of the Implementation of a " Durable " Mobility Policy : The case of Urban Transportation Plans in France

  15. 嵌入式设备尤其是ARM设备作为新兴的产品,具有方便携带、安装快捷、机动性强等特点,已经涉入了各种领域,并被广泛应用于各种电子产品中。

    Embedded equipment especially ARM is a new product , as one of easy to carry , quick installation , mobile AFR , it has been involved in various fields , and has been widely applied in all kinds of electronic products .

  16. 该方程在保证MMV机动性不变的前提下,降低了系统耦合性;

    These equations can guarantee the MMV mobility , and reduce coupling of the system .

  17. 仿真结果表明,所设计的BTT导弹自动驾驶仪无论在动态响应与稳定性方面,能够满足未来先进中远程空空导弹对快速性与机动性等方面性能的要求。

    The simulation results indicate that the BTT missile autopilot can satisfy the requests of the future advanced intermediate-range air-to-air missile , regardless in the aspect of response or stable .

  18. CATERPILLER公司推土机产品向人们展示了其卓越的生产率、舒适的操纵性能和良好的机动性。

    Caterpillar bulldozer products have demonstrated their super productivity , comfort operation performance and excellent maneuverability .

  19. 铰接式自卸汽车(ADT)是一种非公路载重运输车辆,因具有广泛的道路适应性与良好的机动性备受世界各国的重视。

    Articulated Dump Truck ( ADT ) is a non-highway heavy-duty transport vehicle , it obtains much attention around the world because of its good mobility and wide range road adaptability .

  20. DF-31是目前服役中最先进的弹道导弹,与中国上一代洲际弹道导弹(ICBM)相比较特点是高机动性和由此更好的生存能力。

    The most advanced ballistic missile currently in service , the DF-31 features higher mobility and therefore better survivability compared to the last generation Chinese ICBM .

  21. 无人机(UAV)有很多优点,隐身性好、机动性强、成本低廉,特别是无飞行员伤亡,在现代战争中的作用愈加重要。

    UAV ( Unmanned Air Vehicle ) has many advantages , such as good invisibility , strong flexibility , and low cost . More important , no pilots will die using UAVs . In modern war , UAV is more and more widely used .

  22. 在港口范围内,轮胎式集装箱起重机(简称RTG)以其机动性好、作业灵活等优点,广泛应用于集装箱装卸业。

    In the port , rubber-tyred container crane ( RTG ) with its mobility , flexible , and other advantages , has been widely applied in container load or unload .

  23. 在该方法中,基于辐射源的信号到达时间(TOA)和信号到达方向(DOA)信息,可以实现单站无源定位,运用交互式多模型算法,可以适应目标的机动性。

    Based on the Time of Arrival ( TOA ) and the Direction Of Arrival ( DOA ) of the emitter , passive localization by mono-static is practicable , and also the localization of maneuvering emitter is practicable with the IMM algorithm .

  24. 本文讨论了高机动性飞机滚转机动飞行对纵横航向操纵效能的要求,并以J-7飞机为算例进行了验证。

    The longitudinal and lateral directional control effectiveness requirements of high maneuver aircraft are discussed in this paper , and the fighter J-7 is taken as an example .

  25. SPC-II型仿生机器鱼是利用尾鳍推进机理,实现机器鱼稳定、高速游动和验证机动性的一个实验平台。

    The SPC-II fish robot prototype is an experimental platform which validates the stability , high efficiency and maneuverability by utilizing the caudal fin propulsion mechanism .

  26. PLANAF正在获得的歼-11BH战斗机与歼-8相比是一款战斗潜力更为强大的新式平台,无论是多功能性还是机动性方面都是如此。

    In the J-11BH the PLANAF is acquiring a new platform with significantly greater combat potential than the J-8 , which it surpasses in multirole capability and raw manoeuvring power .

  27. Glassdoor称,金融危机以来,临时工作和兼职工作出现了明显增加。这种工作的工作时长往往不如人意,机动性差,薪酬也低。

    Since the financial crisis , there a been a notable surge in temporary or part-time work . Such roles often offer less-than-ideal working hours , little flexibility and low pay , Glassdoor said .

  28. U5000产品系列作为高机动性运输车辆和超级越野设备车的设计,面向整个世界。

    The product series U3000 / U4000 / U5000 is designed for duties around the world as a highly mobile transport vehicle and an extreme off-road implement carrier .

  29. Quad-rotor飞行器属于小型无人飞行器(MUAV)的一种,机动性强,易于实现垂直起降,具有国防价值和商业价值。

    Quad-rotor aircraft is a kind of Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( MUAV ) . Profit from its strong maneuverability and proneness to achieve vertical take-off and landing , the aircraft itself has high value at both national defense and commercial field .

  30. 全方位的结构设计使得微机器人具有高机动性;

    The robot is designed to realize the omni directional mobility .