
  1. 机械专业AutoCAD教学改革初探

    A preliminary probe into the teaching reform of AutoCAD in mechanical speciality

  2. 随着教学的改革,SolidWorks对工科机械专业课程产生很大冲击。

    With teaching reformation , the software of SolidWorks has great impact on courses of mechanical Specialty of Engineering School .

  3. 作为大鹏LNG机械专业的技术权威,确保现行的各项工作与完整的技术要求保持一致。

    This will include a role as the Technical authority on Mechanical issues within DP LNG to ensure compliance with integrity requirements are maintained .

  4. 本文综述了以个人计算机为基础的CAD技术与最新的计算机网络技术相结合,而产生的网络CAD技术,并对三个与建筑、机械专业相关的最新CAD软件做了简要介绍。

    This article summarizes the technology of CAD of network produced by the combination of personal computer and technology of the latest network and briefly introduces the three CAD softwares related with construction , mechanics speciality .

  5. 食品机械专业综合实训教学的创新与实践

    Innovation and Practice of Synthetical Practice-Training Teaching for Foodstuff Machanism Major

  6. 突出能力培养,办出冶金机械专业特色

    Give prominence to capacity distinguish characteristics of speciality of metallurgical machinery

  7. 工程机械专业《机械制图》教学改革探讨

    Study about the Machine Drawing Teaching Reformation of Engineering Machine Specialty

  8. 印刷机械专业实习基地建设探讨

    The establishment of professional practice teaching center of printing mechanical engineering

  9. 2005年,在沈阳东北大学冶金机械专业学习。

    Study in Shenyang North-east university , specialize in metallurgical machine .

  10. 高职机械专业基础技能训练的模式与实践

    Higher Vocational Education Machinery Specialized Foundation Skill Training Pattern and Practice

  11. 制造业的发展与机械专业学科建设的思考

    Consideration of Development of Manufacturing Industry and Discipline Construction of Mechanical Specialty

  12. 议高职机械专业课教学的改革

    Investigation on Teaching Reform of Mechanical Specialized Course in Higher Vocational Schools

  13. 应用型本科机械专业能力培养模式探索

    A Probe into the cultivation model of mechanics majors in application-oriented institutes

  14. 机械专业本科生技术应用能力与综合素质培养

    On Undergraduates ' Technological Applications and Overall Qualities in Mechanics

  15. 中专学历,主修模具或机械专业。

    Graduated from Technical Secondary School with majors of mold or mechanical relations .

  16. 论包装机械专业的建设与实践

    Setting up and Practicing the Theory of Packaging Machinery

  17. 对机械专业测试技术课程教学体系改革的探讨

    The Research of the Course of Measurement Technology Teaching Reform about Mechanical Speciality

  18. 仿真技术在机械专业创新型人才培养中的地位与作用

    The Status and Role of Simulation Technology in Machinery Innovate Technologists ' Cultivation

  19. 关于高职机械专业教育规律的探索

    On Mechanical Major Education Law in Vocational Colleges

  20. 本科学历,主修机械专业。

    Bachelor degree , majoring in Mechanical field .

  21. 机械专业实验教学改革刍议

    Strategy to Reform Experiment Teaching of Mechanical Specialty

  22. 机械专业本科生全程三维设计能力培养模式

    3D Design in Undergraduate Course of Mechanical Subject

  23. 行业分析法应用于高职机械专业群课程开发的探索

    Exploration of Profession Analytic Method Curriculum Development of Higher Vocational Education Machinery Specialized Group

  24. 数据挖掘在机械专业教学质量分析评价系统的应用

    Implementation of Data Mining Technology in analysis and appraisal system of mechanical teaching quality

  25. 高职高专机械专业课程体系的改革与探索

    Reform and exploration of the curriculum system of mechanical specialty of high vocational colleges

  26. 我校机械专业高职教育模式探讨

    Research on the Mode of Higher Polytechnical Education in Mechanical Engineering Major in our College

  27. 工科类非机械专业《工程制图》课程教学改革探讨

    Thinking over Teaching Method Reform on the Course of Engineering Drawing for Non-mechanical Engineering Speciality

  28. 对机械专业课程体系改革的几点思考

    Reformation of Curriculum System in Mechanical Department

  29. 浅议机械专业的工程教育改革

    On Engineering Education Reform for Mechanical Major

  30. 作为技术基础课的《工程力学》在工科机械专业的整个教学过程中起着十分重要的作用。

    As a technical basic course of engineering students , engineering mechanics plays an important role .