
jī ɡuān qiānɡ
  • machine gun;scatter-gun
机关枪 [jī guān qiāng]
  • [machine gun] 能自动连续发射的枪,杀伤力较强。简称机枪

  1. 部队的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。

    The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods .

  2. 我们听见突然响起了一阵机关枪射击声。

    We heard a sudden loud burst of machine gun fire .

  3. 机关枪在远处不停地射击。

    In the distance machine guns were blazing .

  4. 他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机关枪奇袭了首都。

    They blitzed the capital with tanks , artillery , anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns .

  5. 对面是画家LeHuyTiep于1972年创作的《战争之血》(BloodofWar),画面上有一个被蒙住双眼的男人,他脚下都是尸体,还有一个母亲紧紧抱着赤裸的孩子,画面边缘可以看到机关枪的枪口。

    Facing them is Le Huy Tiep 's " Blood of War , " from 1972 , in which corpses lie at the feet of a blindfolded man , while a mother clutches a naked child . The tips of machine guns are visible at the edge of the frame .

  6. 我们把敌人的机关枪打哑。

    We put the enemy 's machine guns out of action .

  7. 他模仿着机关枪发射的动作。

    He was mimicking the motion of a machine gun firing .

  8. 老头用起机关枪来还是像回事。

    The old man 's still an artist with a thompson .

  9. •机关枪型&连续快速提问。

    • the machine-gunner – asks several questions in rapid succession .

  10. 有一营人呢,两架机关枪!

    They 've got a whole battalion there and two machine-guns !

  11. 发动机就像机关枪一样发出爆破声。

    There was a knock in the engine like a machine gun .

  12. 这武器不是机关枪,而是马克思列宁主义。

    This weapon is not a machine-gun , but Marxism-Leninism .

  13. 我现在已经习惯了我的机关枪。

    Finally I 've got used to my machine gun .

  14. 他在游艇上装了机关枪。

    He 's got a machine gun on the barge .

  15. 警察所的房顶上已架起了机关枪。

    Machine guns had been mounted on top of the police stations .

  16. 叛乱分子用机关枪向空中射击。

    The rebels fired their machine guns into the air .

  17. 战士们用机关枪痛击敌人。

    The soldiers severely punished the enemy by machine guns .

  18. 猎野兽?用机关枪?

    You 're hunting wildebeests , with a submachine gun ?

  19. 机关枪开火的声音惊动了那些鸽子。

    The sound of machine-gun fire startled the pigeons .

  20. 帐篷外,机关枪突然嘟嘟嘟地响起来。

    A machine gun blasted just outside the tent .

  21. 我听到哨兵拉上了手提机关枪的扳机。

    I heard the sentry cock his sub-machine gun .

  22. 战士们用机关枪向战壕内扫射。

    The soldiers raked the trench with machine-gun fire .

  23. 卫兵把机关枪准备就绪。一个备有手榴弹的步兵。

    The guards broke out the machine guns an infantryman equipped with grenades .

  24. 就像猩猩拿着一把机关枪

    is like a chimp with a machine gun .

  25. 机关枪从隐蔽的阵地开始射击。

    Machine guns opened up from a concealed position .

  26. 而且手电筒和机关枪要多少有多少

    And we 'll always have flashlights and shotguns .

  27. 他们到达时,入侵者已在路边两侧架上了机关枪。

    When they arrived , the invaders had flanked the road with machine-guns .

  28. 这些极端猎杀者使用机关枪、夜视镜、甚至直升飞机来猎杀大象。

    These extremist poachers employ machine guns , night-vision goggles and even helicopters .

  29. 一路上,到处都是军队与他们的机关枪。

    The army and their machine guns were everywhere .

  30. 她亲手使用过一挺机关枪。

    She had handled a machine gun herself .