
  • 网络Machinery;machinery industry;machinery manufacturing
  1. 进入WTO前夕的中国塑料机械行业

    Situation of China Plastics Machinery Industry before China 's Entrance to WTO

  2. 包装机械行业企业实施CAD系统的要点

    Main points of Execution CAD System of Packaging Machinery Industry

  3. 聚合物混凝土(PC)在机械行业的应用及分析

    The Application and Analysis of PC in Machinery Trades

  4. 面向机械行业的ERP系统关键技术研究及应用

    Research on ERP Key Technology and Implementation for Mechanical Engineering Industry

  5. 立足于企业管理平台与信息平台相匹配的选型方法,是工程机械行业集团企业进行ERP选型的一种很好的评价工具。

    It is a good evaluation tool to construction machinery group corporations .

  6. 工程机械行业ERP实施方案

    ERP Implementation Scheme in Construction Machinery Industry

  7. 在机械行业发展研究中的SD模型

    An System Dynamics Model for the Research on the Development of Machine Industry

  8. 目前我国CAD的初步应用(绘图、工艺设计)在机械行业大部分企业已基本普及。

    At present , CAD has been applied popularly in most of the enterprises in the area of machinery manufacturing .

  9. 加入WTO后,我国的石油机械行业面临机遇和挑战。作为一个企业,它不但要面临国内同行的竞争,还要接受国外公司竞争的考验。

    China 's entry into WTO is of great significance , for it exposes China 's petroleum mechanical industry to challenges and opportunities .

  10. 计算机辅助MRP系统在机械行业中的应用

    Computer Auxiliary M.R.P System is Used in the Mechanical Engineering

  11. 随着计算机的普及,CAD软件在很多行业得到广泛的应用,尤其是建筑和机械行业。

    Along with the popularization of computer , CAD software is widely used in many industries , especially in the architectural and mechanical industries .

  12. 初步完成面向工程机械行业的PI手册构建理论和操作方法的研究。

    Thus , this dissertation accomplishes the method of construction and operation of the PI manual for the construction machinery industry .

  13. 在机械行业中,CAD技术以及基于CAD技术的虚拟样机技术的广泛应用使机械产品的生产效率得到较大提高,生产成本得以降低,产品质量得以加强。

    In mechanical field , the broad using of CAD and virtual prototyping technology based on CAD make the efficiencies of production higher , the costs of production lower , and the qualities of product better .

  14. 随后重点对远程接入网络技术中的接入模式和接入网络的选择进行分析研究,针对工程机械行业的特殊需求,提出适合工程机械野外作业的基于GPRS的远程监控网络方案;

    Secondly , the thesis focuses on analyzing and studying the choices of remote network access technology and accessing model , designing a GPRS remote monitoring network scheme suitable for construction machinery trade .

  15. 因此,在整个机械行业不景气的情况下,采用ASP服务模式进行企业的信息化建设,改造传统的产品开发和生产经营模式,具有重大的经济意义。

    Therefore , on the dead-alive condition of the whole engineering manufacturing enterprises , changing traditional product development and management model , it is important for economy development to adopt ASP service model for realizing information shared .

  16. 让BICES成为工程机械行业的盛大节日&访中国工程机械成套公司总经理助理王曼丽

    Let BICES to be the Royal Ceremony for Construction Machinery Industry

  17. 三个月前,在中国以外的市场,来自于汽车制造商和工业机械行业的需求似乎有所上升,使得阿塞洛-米塔尔(arcelormittal)的状况出现好转。

    Three months ago , things were looking up for ArcelorMittal as demand from carmakers and the industrial machinery sector seemed to be holding up in markets outside China .

  18. 同年我们与美铝,美国AMPCO也建立了合作关系,大大丰富了我公司的产品在机械行业的应用。

    In the same year , we also established partnerships with ALCOA and AMPCO in the United States .

  19. 我国机械行业发展形势浅析

    Analysis on the Developing Situation of Our Country 's Mechanical Industry

  20. 我国包装机械行业正在逐步进入国际市场。

    Our domestic packaging machinery is stepping into international market gradually .

  21. 纺织机械行业2004年情况回顾和2005年工作展望

    The Chinese Textile Machinery Industry : 2004 Review and 2005 Outlook

  22. 人民币升值拷问中国工程机械行业

    FORUM : RMB appreciation challenges the trade of Chinese construction machinery

  23. 发达国家和地区木工机械行业概况

    Woodworking Machinery Industry General Situation of Some Developed Countries and Place

  24. 筑路机械行业创新项目评价模型研究

    An Appraisement Model of Innovation Project for Road Construction Machinery Industry

  25. 影响机械行业供应链多阶响应周期的关键因素分析

    Key Factors Affecting the Mechanical Industry 's Multi-stage SCM Responding Time

  26. 路在何方?&对混凝土机械行业经济结构调整的几点看法

    Some Views on the Economy Stricture Regulation of Concrete Machinery Industry

  27. 人造板设备与木工机械行业现状及发展趋势

    Status and Trend of Panel Machinery and Wood-working Machinery Industry

  28. 大型齿轮在机械行业有着广泛的应用。

    Large gears have comprehensive applications in the machinery industry .

  29. 采用喷丸强化技术,提高机械行业效益

    Raising benefits of the machinery industry by adopting the shat-blast enhancing technique

  30. 塑料机械行业市场与营销策略研究

    Study on the Industrial Market and Marketing Strategy of the Plastic Machine