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  • forward exchange
  1. 对用于套期保值的期汇合约,企业是打算持有到到期日的,按IASC的倾向意见一般是按初期确认的公允价值来计量,这实际上是在报告日仍然保持历史成本的计量属性。

    To use as hedge forward contract , enterprise are going to possess to the end , IASC 's opinion refer to compute as spot evenhanded value , this is keeping diachronic costing computation on the report day as fact .

  2. 现汇汇率和期汇汇率的差异反应了人们对于未来汇率变化的不同预期。

    Differences between spot and forward rates reflect expectations of future changes in foreign exchange rates .

  3. 所以来看看本期视频汇的指导吧,让你的孩子享受做家务的乐趣。

    So watch this VideoJug film to finally get your kids to do housework .

  4. 还有一些政府加大了市场干预力度,以期稳定汇市。

    Some other States stepped up market intervention in order to hold their currencies stable .

  5. 本期视频汇将向大家展示滑冰的基本技巧:滑行,或者说是蹬冰前进。

    This tutorial describes a basic technique of ice skating called gliding or forward stroking .

  6. 本期视频汇将指导你如何做粉底—化妆的基础。

    This Videojug tutorial will help you learn how to apply powder foundation for the perfect base to your makeup .

  7. 本期视频汇将会告诉你如何消除失眠。

    VideoJug presents you with some great tips on how to eliminate insomnia . Let VideoJug help you sleep with these great steps .

  8. 本期视频汇告诉我们,需要用嘴和鼻子同时呼吸,而不是只用一个。

    This video reminds us that to do this , we need to breathe through both our mouth and our nose , not just one but both .

  9. 拿出精神力量,控制自己咬指甲的习惯吧,本期视频汇催眠师将会告诉你如何去除坏习惯。

    Unleash the power of your mind to quit biting your nails . In this VideoJug tutorial , a certified hypnotist teaches you how to banish bad habits .

  10. 拿出精神力量,控制自己咬指甲的习惯吧,本期视频汇催眠师将会告诉你如何去除坏习惯。我是本休斯,一名获得资格证的催眠师。

    Unleash the power of your mind to quit biting your nails . In this VideoJug tutorial , a certified hypnotist teaches you how to banish bad habits . Hello , I 'm Ben Huss .

  11. 本期视频汇节目将着重介绍如何在电影院中约会,带着我们的忠告,去享受自己的影院约会吧。

    Here 's VideoJug 's guide on how to go on a perfect date to the movies . Be part of your very own blockbuster with our tips on how to have fun at the cinema .

  12. 在敏感话题上向女生道歉是很困难的,本期视频汇将告诉你在道歉是应该回避哪些常见错误以免使对方尴尬。

    Apologising to a girl over a sensitive subject can be very difficult . Follow the advice in this video to achieve a successful apology and avoid common mistakes that can upset the person you want to apologise to .

  13. 本期视频汇中私人教练丹·罗伯特将会告诉你如何才能获得像米德尔顿一样令人羡慕的体型。

    In this VideoJug film , international personal trainer Dan Roberts explains what you need to do if you want to get a physique like Kate Middleton 's. Dan demonstrates how to use the rowing machine , one of Kate 's favorite machines in order to improve your body shape .